Making Cats and Dogs

Making Cats and Dogs

Making Cats and Dogs and one Fish. I fell in love with these easy patchwork animals.  They can be made by most beginners in a short period of time and are great for gifts and children’s parties. The techniques used in the making of these easy patchwork animals can be used for more grown up projects that I will show you in another post down the road but for now lets focus on these cute little stuffed animals. I used remnants for and items from my stash to create these little animals but if you need fabric or trimmings head over to or use this 40% off coupon from Hobby Lobby to get everything you need.

Calico Cat and Colorful Canines, Making Cats and Dogs
Calico Cat and Colorful Canines

Calico Kitties

First are these adorable calico kitties.  Supper cute kitties you can make in any size simply by enlarging or decreasing the size of the pattern. I have included a 1/4″ seam allowance in this pattern. There are several pattern pieces for this project.  The main body of the kitty comes in 2 pieces that you will have to tape together. You can see how the pieces fit together and there is a small cross in the center to show you where to line them up.

Large Kittie
Large Kitty

What you will Need:

  • Pattern
  • 1 Fat quarter for the outer fabric or a large scrap
  • 1 fat quarter for the Gusset if you want it to be a contrasting color or a large scrap.
  • Buttons for the eyes and nose
  • Embroidery thread
  • Ribbon
  • Embellishment like a bell or flower
  • Fiberfill
  • Standard sewing equipment

Step 1: Making Cats and Dogs

Lay out the pattern and cut two body pieces, two gusset pieces and two head pieces making sure the pattern pieces are reversed.  If your fabric is yardage fabric and is folded in the usual way, wrong sides together, you simply need to cut two of each piece but if you are using scraps or fat quarters that are not folded wrong sides together you will have to reverse the pattern pieces.  Once you have cut all of the pieces, sew the two gusset pieces together at the top center curved line.

Cut out Pattern Pieces, Making Cats and Dogs
Cut out Pattern Pieces
Sew Gusset Pieces Together, Making Cats and Dogs
Sew Gusset Pieces Together






































You can sew this whole project either by hand or by machine.  I would recommend machine but if you don’t have one or you simply want something to do in front of the TV you could sew it by hand using either a back stitch or a running stitch.  I chose this video from You Tube even though it is long because it is an excellent tutorial on the basics of hand stitching.  Watch it if you have time because as the host explains at the beginning, hand stitching is becoming a lost art.

Step 2: Making Cats and Dogs

Sew one head piece to each body piece from the A to B markings.  Once sewn, make sure you clip the curves and angles for a smooth finish.  Then fold the head out along the dotted line you transferred from the pattern.

Sew Head Pieces to Body Pieces, Making Cats and Dogs
Sew Head Pieces to Body Pieces

Step 3: Making Cats and Dogs

Pin the gusset to the main body pieces right sides together.  Make sure the legs are matched up.  I used some extra pins here to make sure the pieces were lined up and so I could easily sew them together. Once they are pinned, sew around the legs from Markings B to C. After you are comfortable that the pieces are sewn nicely around the legs, make sure to clip all of the corners and angles for a smooth finish.

Sew the Rest of the Body Together, Making Cats and Dogs
Sew the Rest of the Body Together

Step 4: Making Cats and Dogs

Next, sew the rest of the body around the face and tail but make sure you leave an opening in the center back so that you can turn the cat right side out and for inserting the fiberfill.  Also, make sure you clip around the curves and angles.  Turn the body right side out using a tool to push out the feet, ears, and tail. Stuff the cat firmly with fiberfill and close the back using a neat slip stitch.

Calico Kitties, Making Cats and Dogs
Calico Kitties

Colorful Canines

Colorful Canines, Making Cats and Dogs
Colorful Canines

What you will Need: Red and Heart Dog

  • Pattern
  • 1 Fat quarter for the outer fabric or a large scrap
  • 1 fat quarter for the Gusset if you want it to be a contrasting color or a large scrap
  • Felt or faux leather
  • Buttons for the eyes
  • Embroidery thread
  • Ribbon
  • Embellishment like a buckle or button
  • Fiberfill
  • Standard sewing equipment

What you will Need: Scottie

  • Pattern
  • 1/4-1/2 yd Tartan or plaid fabric
  • Three buttons for eyes and nose
  • Embroidery floss for eye brows
  • Ribbon for collar
  • Standard sewing tools
  • Fiberfill

Step 1: Red and Heart Dog

Red Heart Dog Profile, Making Cats and Dogs
Red Heart Dog Profile
Red Heart Dog, Making Cats and Dogs
Red Heart Dog









































I have gone ahead and added the 1/4″ seam allowance to this pattern so you only need to print it out. There are several pieces to the pattern but there is no taping needed for this one unless you decide to enlarge it. I didn’t do step by step photos of the two dogs because they are essentially the same as the kitties.  Once you have cut out all of the pieces, sew the two gusset pieces together at the top center curved line. Clip the curve.  Like the Calico Kitties, you can sew this whole project either by hand or by machine.  I would recommend machine but if you don’t have one or you simply want something to do in front of the TV you could sew it by hand using either a back stitch or a running stitch.  It is best to use a different gusset color for this project but you don’t need too.

Step 2:

Fold under 1/4″ on each of the legs and ear pieces.  You can tack these or just press them.  I just pressed them well and didn’t bother tacking them.  Sew one head piece to each body piece from the C to D markings.  Press the seam toward the nose.  Sew the pairs of ear pieces together.  If you have chosen a different gusset color you should also have one set of ear pieces the same color as the gusset.  If this is the case, sew the ear pieces one main fabric and one gusset fabric right sides together keeping the bottoms turned under.  Clip the curves before turning out and pressing.

Step 3:

Pin the body gusset to the body pieces from the A to B markings.  Then sew the head gusset to the main head pieces right sides together from the E to F markings.  Make sure the gusset is neatly sewn before continuing.  At this point, sew from the nose over the entire back, over the tail and part way down the back side of the dog and back stitch.  Next, sew the V shape at the front and the back of the dog leaving the bottom of the legs open.  The dog should be totally enclosed except for a small space at the rear of the dog and the four feet.

Step 4:

Begin stuffing the dog through the rear fairly firmly, filling the entire dog.  Fill the rest of the dog through its feet.  Once you have finished filling the dog sew on the bottom of the feet using a slip stitch. I used some faux leather scraps that I had on hand but you could use felt or other scraps that you have.  Stitch up the rear of the dog using blanket or mattress stitch for a clean finish.

Step 5:

Now for the personality.  Add the ears near the top of the dog’s head.  I added a little crimp or pleat to my ears for a nice effect and sewed them directly to the head.  Next, I added to round buttons for eyes but you have many other options here.  You can sew them with thread, stack buttons, or crochet a little eye if you like.  I then grabbed some embroidery floss and satin stitched a nose and then stitched a cute mouth to give my dog a little smile.  Finally, I added a little faux leather collar from some scraps I had along with a craft buckle I also had on hand but you can use ribbon or any other embellishment to give you dog some personality.  Then your colorful red and heart canine is finished. Just too cute.

Step 1: Scotaidh the Scottie

Scottie, Making Cats and Dogs
Scotaidh the Scottie
Scottie Profile, Making Cats and Dogs
Scotaidh the Scottie Profile







































I have gone ahead and added the 1/4″ seam allowance to this pattern so you only need to print it out. However, there are 3 pieces that will need to be taped together to create the body.  They are labeled A, B, and C.  You can see how they should come together.  You will need to cut two of these body pieces. Make sure that the sides are reversed so that the right sides end up facing the same direction.  You will also need two body gusset pieces also reversed and one head gusset piece.  Once you have cut out all of the pieces, sew the two body gusset pieces right sides together.  Sew the head gusset piece to the main body pieces at the head and the bottom gusset piece to the main body pieces at the belly of the Scottie. Like the Calico Kitties, you can sew this whole project either by hand or by machine.  I would recommend machine but if you don’t have one or you simply want something to do in front of the TV you could sew it by hand using either a back stitch or a running stitch.

Step 2: Scotaidh the Scottie

Once the gussets have been sewn, and the pieces are still right sides together, sew the remaining seams leaving a space at the rear of the dog for turning and stuffing.  Turn the Scottie right side out and stuff the Scottie to the amount you like using standard fiberfill.  Once you have reached the level of stuffing you want, sew the opening closed.

Step 3: Scotaidh the Scottie

Add the eyes and news by sewing on round buttons.  I added eyebrows using embroidery floss.  Finally I added a nice red bow to set off the blue tartan.  Voila, you have a very cute tartan clad Scottie.

Hamish the Herring

The first character came in a kit from Pretty Patches Magazine and he is called Hamish the Herring. He is very cute and took only about 30 minutes to make from beginning to end.  He is a great beginners project and can even be made totally by hand if you are inclined to do so.

Hamish the Herring, Making Cats and Dogs
Hamish the Herring

What you will Need: Hamish the Herring

  • Two 8 3/4″ x 3 1/4″ striped fabric for body
  • Two 3 1/2″ x 3 1/4″ Polka dot fabric for tail
  • Two 3 1/4″ x 3 1/4″ Black felt for eyes and fins
  • Two 3 1/4″ x 3 1/4″ White fabric for nose
  • One 15″ Twine
  • Polyfill
  • White Thread
  • Standard sewing equipment
What you will Need for Hamish the Herring, Making Cats and Dogs
What you will Need for Hamish the Herring

Step 1:

Cut out two eyes and two fins from the black felt.  Try to keep the eyes the same size and the fins the same size.  I used a button as a template Sew the eyes onto each of the center of the white pieces of fabric using blanket stitch.  Then stitch the fins onto the striped fabric just slightly left of center.  If you want you can use some temporary spray adhesive to hold these pieces straight while stitching.  If you are unfamiliar with Blanket stitch check out this video by Gulf Coast Cottage.

Sew the Eyes and Fins using Blanket Stitch, Making Cats and Dogs
Sew the Eyes and Fins using Blanket Stitch

Step 2:

Next, sew the white, striped and polka dot fabric right sides together either by hand or on the machine using 1/4″ seam allowance. You should now have two rectangles of fabric containing each of the three patterns.  Take the twine and tie the ends into a knot and lay it onto the right side of the fish’s head with the knot facing toward the fish’s body. Pin or clip the twine to the one of the right sides.  Then place the 2 fabric pieces right sides together and either pin or clip them in the fish shape.  You may want to sketch out your shape using a disappearing marker or you can do it free hand.

Step 3:

Sew the 2 pieces together making sure that you catch the twine at the nose and that you create a “V” shape at the tail.  Leave an opening on one of the sides so that you can turn the fish right sides out and so that you can stuff it with polyfill. Once you have stuffed the fish, close the opening using a neat small slip stitch.  If you are unfamiliar with slip stitch, here is a video by Professor Pincushion to help you along.

Hamish, Making Cats and Dogs



How To Sew A Slip Stitch

Now that you have closed the opening, Hamish the Herring is finished and ready to swim to his next destination.

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— Sewverycrafty

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