How to Make a Zero Waste Hand Towel
How to Make a Zero Waste Hand Towel
I am always looking for ways to create sustainable projects. Making reusable items out of fabric instead of throw away paper is a chief way of creating zero waste items. The latest thing that has come to my attention is the use of paper to dry your hands in bathrooms. There is no need for that with the use of this zero waste hand towel. It has been discovered that air blowers spread germs so they are no longer a viable alternative. But this reusable, washable and zero waste hand towels comes to the rescue. It is a simple sewing project that only requires basic sewing skills.
I used microfiber fabric for the hand towel itself because it dries quickly, removes 98% of bacteria, and absorbs more water. I ordered the fabric from Amazon here. The rest of the items for this project were available at my local fabric store and from Hobby Lobby and Fabric. I could have ordered black microfiber to go with the rest of my fabrics but I wanted to mix it up and got this red and white print for fun. Zero waste does not have to be boring. This post contains affiliate links that If you click on them I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.
What you will Need: How to make a zero waste hand towel
- 3 3/4″ x 5 1/2″ Rip Stop Nylon
- 3 3/4″ x 3 3/4″ Mesh
- 11 1/2″ x 11 1/2″ Microfiber cloth
- 2″ x 3/4″ Velcro
- 9 1/2″ Bias binding
- 3/8″ Parachute clip
- 6″ of 3/8″ Ribbon
- 3/8″ Swivel clip

Step 1: Cut Your Fabrics
Cut your fabrics to the above dimensions. Round the top of the nylon piece using a small plate or jar. Cut three 2″ pieces of ribbon.

Step 2: stack the pieces
Measure down 1/4″ from the top of the mesh and sew one half of the Velcro. Add a 2″ piece of ribbon to one end of the parachute clip and fold it through the end. Add a 2″ piece of ribbon to the swivel clip and fold it through the end as well. Lay the Mesh on top of the nylon with the Velcro facing down and the ribbon on top of the mesh. Place the ribbon and swivel clip in between the layers of mesh and nylon lining up the pieces of ribbon. Pin.

Step 3: Stitch the Fabrics
Stitch through all layers including the ribbon using a 1/4″ seam allowance. Back stitch over the ribbon pieces. Turn Right sides out.

Step 4: Add Velcro
Add the other piece of Velcro to the top of the nylon about 1/4″ down from the top. Stitch all the way around. You will have to round the corners of the Velcro to match the top of the nylon.
Step 5: Add the Bias Binding
Place the bias binding all the way around the top of the pouch you are creating. It will go along the nylon and the mesh.

Step 6: Add half of the Parachute clip to the Microfiber
Take a 2″ piece and wrap it around the end of the other side of the parachute clip. Stitch the ribbon to the corner of the microfiber square. Use pinking shears around the perimeter of the microfiber to prevent fraying. Attach the two pieces of the parachute clip and you have now finished your zero waste hand towel. Place the towel inside the pouch.

I hope you enjoyed this project. If you would like more sewing and crafting projects sign up for our news letter and receive access to our free printables library.
— Sewverycrafty