How to Paint Mason Jars

How to Paint Mason Jars

How to Paint Mason Jars


I love mason jars. They are very versatile.  you can paint mason jars any color you want to fit in any decor.  I particularly like painting my mason jars in a chalky finish that is a little aged and worn.  The process of painting mason jars is really simple and can be accomplished in 4 easy steps.

This is a simple tutorial on how to paint mason jars in any color you would like.  With this tutorial you are not limited to chalk paint but can use standard acrylic paints that you can get from Michael’s or Hobby Lobby using these 40% off coupons.  Just click the links. These links are affiliate links and if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

What you will Need

Step 1: How to Paint Mason Jars

Paint each mason jar with standard black chalkboard paint.  I used one coat for my jars but you could use 2 if you want a more refined finish.  The purpose of the chalkboard paint is to ensure that you get a nice matte chalky finish when you are finished with your project.
You will need to wait 30 minutes between coats and you will need to let the final coat whether you use one or two to cure for 24 hours.  You could also use chalk paint for your project but I find that the colors are limited and the cost is more expensive than this two-step process.

Step 2: How to Paint Mason Jars

Once the black chalkboard paint has been cured overnight select the standard acrylic craft paint colors you would like to use for your project.  I used Brown, Gold, and Orange for my rustic Thanksgiving centerpiece.  You can use any color you would like depending on your project.
For example you can use a variety of Christmas colors or patriotic colors for the 4th of July.  I painted each of my jars with three coats of the acrylic paint using a standard paint brush because I wanted a rustic look.  You could use a foam brush if you wanted a cleaner look for your project.  I allowed 30 minutes for each coat to dry and then allowed the paint to cure over night.
Painted Jars, How to Paint Mason Jars
Three Painted Mason Jars

Step 3: How to Paint Mason Jars

Once the paint was cured, I use sandpaper to highlight  the raised letters on my jar.  This step is optional and may not be appropriate for your project. I also used an antiquing Medium to age my project.

Step 4: How to Paint Mason Jars

Once your jars are completed you should spray them with a matte finish polyurethane to keep the finish from peeling.  If you want a completely different look you could also forgo the use of the chalkboard paint and use a high gloss polyurethane for a shiny look for your final project.  This project allows you to do most anything you like.
How to Paint Mason Jars
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— Sewverycrafty

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