Mason Jar Thanksgiving Centerpiece

Mason Jar Thanksgiving Centerpiece

Mason Jar Thanksgiving Centerpiece
Thanksgiving Centerpiece

As you all know, I love Mason Jars and chalkboard paint and this year’s Thanksgiving centerpiece takes full advantage.  Of course I used things that I have used before to make a fun, simple, rustic centerpiece that is perfect for my Thanksgiving table.  With just a little time and a few Mason Jars you too can make this Mason Jar Thanksgiving Centerpiece.

What you will Need:

Step 1: Mason Jar Thanksgiving Center Piece

Paint the wood plaque with the chalkboard paint and let dry.  You may have to paint a second coat to a nice smooth solid finish.

Step 2: Mason Jar Thanksgiving Center Piece

Paint the four Mason jars using my “How to Paint Mason Jars” Tutorial. You will need the chalkboard paint and the acrylic paints you have chosen for this process.

Step 3: Mason Jar Thanksgiving Center Piece

Once the Mason jars have dried completely, paint a square on one side of each jar using the black chalkboard paint.  You should use painter’s tape to tape off the area.  More than one coat will be needed.

Step 4: Mason Jar Thanksgiving Center Piece

Once the black squares have dried take a piece of chalk and sketch the letters FALL on the chalkboard paint.

Step 5: Mason Jar Thanksgiving Center Piece

Cut four pieces of twine to wrap around the top of the jars and tie a simple knot.

Step 6: Mason Jar Thanksgiving Center Piece

Add the frog lid inserts and the lids.  Place each Jar on the previously painted wood plaque then use some different colored chalk to draw vines connecting the jars together.

Step 7: Mason Jar Thanksgiving Center Piece

Fill the jars with water and add flowers and you are ready for a festive Thanksgiving.


Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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