
Grow your Social Media Following for Free

Grow your Social Media Following for Free

If you want to grow your social media following for free read on.  I was struggling with getting followers to my Pinterest Boards and ultimately back to Sew Very Crafty until I did two things.  The first was purchasing Megan Johnson’s EBook Pinterest Ninja which really taught me the importance of Pinterest to driving readers to my site.  I honestly had no idea about the power of Pinterest until I read her book.  You can purchase her book by clicking on the Pinterest Ninja link and I highly recommend that you do.  The second and totally free thing I did was create my own Pinterest popup that coordinated with my theme.  I have doubled my Pinterest following since creating this popup two weeks ago.  I have been amazed at the results. Thanks to Bridgett at This Mom Life for this idea. This post contains an affiliate link that if you click and purchase I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

I realize that there are paid popups like MiloTree that will accomplish the same thing but I am always looking to keep blogging costs down so I created this free popup which has been more successful for me than Milotree was.  You can also create it for any of your social media sites.  I chose Pinterest but you could choose Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

So, how did I do it?  I used a combination of Canva which is a free graphic design program and Popup Builder which is a free plugin that allows you to create popups for your website.  I am not an affiliate of either of these products so I receive nothing if you use them.

The first thing you need to do is to download the Popup Builder plugin or another similar plugin.  The plugin is free from WordPress.  There is a paid version of the plugin that has more features for a flat fee but I use the free version.

Create your Image

The next thing you need to do is to create the actual image for the popup.  Remember that less is more here.  You want an image that is simple and to the point.  I used Canva to create mine. You just need to go to Canva by clicking on the link and follow these instructions:

  1. Select the ‘Email Header’ Size (600 px x 200 px)
  2. Create your desired text with brand font(s) or logo etc: “Follow Sew Very Crafty Pinterest”
  3.  Add a social media icon.  I used the Pinterest icon in pink.
  4. (Optional) Add a background shape to give it more of a “button” look
  5. Save it, download it, and upload to your blog

You can stop here and just add your button to your posts and pages with the direct URL to your social media site but I went further to create a popup that would show up on all of my posts and pages as many times as I like.

Create your Popup

Once you have created the button you need to insert it into your popup plugin.  For Popup Builder:

  1. Download and activate a pop-up maker plugin following the instructions
  2. For this example, I am using Popup Builder
  3. Select Add New
  4. Give your plugin a name (internal purposes only)
  5. Add your follow image to the blog post area making sure that you create a link to your social media site by using the link button
  6. Scroll down through the settings and adjust as needed.  Make sure that you select the size to screen option so that it shows up on mobile devices.
  7. Place the short code into the header scripts of your theme
  8. Publish it and test it out

Watch as you grow your social media following for free.

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Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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