I recently wrote about the trials and tribulations of the rite of passage known as college graduation. It was both a time of excitement and of trepidation. Excitement because my son graduated from college in a timely fashion with a marketable degree but trepidation about whether there was going to be a job out there for him. Fortunately, there is a job. It remains to be seen whether this oh so new experience of employment will be as successful as the college experience was for him. I certainly hope so. Nevertheless, I am grateful that he was able to get a job and truly hope that he will make the best of it by working hard and learning not just the substance of the job but the work ethic that he will need in order to be successful.
My husband and I have tried to instill a strong work ethic in our children and hope that they understand those lessons and adopt them in their working lives. I fear that, as a whole, their generation has failed to learn the benefits of hard work. Not just the financial benefits but the emotional and self esteem benefits that accompany success. I hope that my children have learned that there are people and things that are greater themselves and that by hard work they can help themselves and those who are less fortunate.
So today, my son got his first job in finance, lets hope it is the beginning of great things to come for him and those he can help in the future.
— Sewverycrafty