Easy to Make Adorable Toddler Dress

Easy to Make Adorable Toddler Dress

Toddler’s Sun Dress

I saw this cute easy to make dress in simply sewing magazine and thought to share it with you.  This is an easy to make adorable toddler dress that comes in three different sizes.  I used fabrics I had in my stash to make this dress so large sized remnants will definitely work.  If you have a little girl in your life that you would like to make a cute as a button dress for give this one a go.  It is an afternoon project that will definitely make you smile.

What you will Need:

  • Pattern piece 1
  • Pattern piece 2
  • 1/2 yd. 60″ wide striped fabric
  • 1/2 yd. Bodice fabric
  • 1/2 yd. Lining fabric
  • 1/4 yd. White fabric
  • 6″ large Ric-Rac
  • 3 buttons
  • Basic sewing supplies
Easy to Make Adorable Toddler Dress
What you will Need – Toddler Dress

Step 1: Easy to make adorable toddler dress

Print out the pattern Pieces and tape them together.  These pieces are for the bodice.  All seams are 3/8″ unless otherwise stated.

Step 2: Easy to make adorable toddler dress

Fold the Selvedges of the bodice fabric and lining fabric to the center. Place the pattern piece on the fold and cut one piece.  Flip the pattern piece over to the wrong side and place on the fold and cut a second piece.  Do the same for the lining fabric.  You should have two sets of mirrored images that make up the bodice.  They consist of the bodice outer front and back and the bodice lining front and back.

Step 3: Easy to make adorable toddler dress

Cut a piece of fabric from your blue and white stripe or other skirt fabric that measures 17″ x 60″. Cut a piece from the white fabric that measures 3 3/8″ x 6″. This will be the button placket.

Step 4: Easy to make adorable toddler dress

Take the button placket and turn the long edges in by 1/4″ on each side and press.  Place the placket onto the center front of the outer bodice.  Cut the ric-rac in half lengthwise and place a piece on each side of the placket.  Topstitch down each side of the placket to hold the placket and the ric-rac to the outer front bodice.  (I did not use the ric-rac in my project because I did not have any white on hand and the yellow blended in too much.)  Sew three buttons evenly spaced down the front of the placket.

Easy to Make Adorable Toddler Dress
Add the Placket and Buttons

Step 5: Easy to make adorable toddler dress

Pin one bodice lining piece right sides together with a bodice front piece and sew from the armhole around the top to the other armhole.  Do the same to the bodice back and lining back.

Easy to Make Adorable Toddler Dress
Sew the Outer to the Lining Right Sides Together

Step 6: Easy to make adorable toddler dress

Clip the points and the curves.  Turn right sides out using a turning tool.  Press.

Step 7: Easy to make adorable toddler dress

Join the front bodice and lining to the back bodice and lining by opening up the bodice and the lining so that the bodice front and back are right sides together and the lining pieces are right sides together.  Sew the seam connecting the outer bodice and the lining on both sides then turn the bodice right sides out.

Easy to Make Adorable Toddler Dress
Open the Lining from the Outer Fabric to the Seam Line
Easy to Make Adorable Toddler Dress
Turn the Bodice Right Sides Out


Step 8: Easy to make adorable toddler dress

Sew the short ends of the skirt piece together and press open the seam.  Use this seam as your center back.  Hem the skirt to the desired length.

Step 9: Easy to make adorable toddler dress

Sew two lines of basting stitch along the top of the skirt piece starting 1/8″ down and 1/4″ down.  Pull the stitches to gather the skirt until it measures the same diameter as the bodice.

Step 10: Easy to make adorable toddler dress

Sew the outer bodice using 3/8″to the skirt right sides together.  Make sure that you keep the lining out of the way.

Easy to Make Adorable Toddler Dress
Sew the Skirt to the Bodice

Step 11: Easy to make adorable toddler dress

Turn the dress wrong side out and fold under the raw edge of the lining bodice and pin.  Slip stitch the lining bodice to the skirt.  Turn right sides out and you are completely finished with this adorable little dress.

Easy to Make Adorable Toddler Dress
Slip Stitch the Lining to the Skirt


Easy to make toddler dress




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  1. What sizes are the pattern for? The dress is adorable and I want to make one for my year old grand daughter.

  2. Thank you Thank you Thank you for making your easy to follow instructions printable!!! I am a beginner sewer and so many patterns do not have this and make it 20 pages to print. My computer is not next to my sewing machine so I cant just have my computer open while I work. I will definitely be coming back! Thanks again!!

  3. First of all this dress is absolutely beautiful. I love everything about it and would like to make for someonel You said your dress comes in three different sizes and I printed out the two pattern pieces. However, there is no mention on the pattern of what sizes these may be. Since I am new to this, and haven’t sewn baby or toddler clothes, I can’t tell what sizes I am dealing with. From the name of the dress, I know it’s for a toddler, but what three toddler sizes is this pattern for. Could you please provide the sizes for me since I haven’t a clue how to figure it out myself. Like I said, I’m a novice, a newbie and I need some help here. Thank you.

    1. There is a small, medium and large size. You can tell by the cutting lines. They are different for the different sizes. There are solid and dashed lines for the sizes. Just choose which size you would like and cut on the solid or dashed line for that size. I hope this makes sense.

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