How to Make a Halloween Garden Flag

How to make a halloween garden flag

How to make a Halloween garden flag.  I always have a welcome or holiday garden flag at the front of my home.  I just love changing them out for the different times of year so I thought I would make one for Halloween this year.  Of course, I have a store bought version but I really wanted to make one myself so I dove into my stash of remnants to see what I had that would work for this project.  I managed to pull together some fabrics that I thought would work for this project but you could use just about anything. 

This is a simple project to make and you can decorate your flag for whatever season or holiday that you like.  I used remnants as I often do because it saves me money.  Remnants are half off at my local fabric store.  But, if you need fabrics for this project I recommend that you head to Hobby Lobby and to get exactly what you need quickly and inexpensively. This post contains affiliate links that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

What you will Need:

  • Pattern Here
  • Letters Here
  • 21 1/2″ x 14 1/2″ Primary fabric
  • 10″ x 14 1/2″ contrast Fabric
  • Fat quarter of accent fabric
  • 1/4 yd fusible web
  • Scraps of black fabric or felt for the smile
  • 2 black buttons for the eyes
  • Ribbon 
How to Make a Halloween Garden Flag
What you will Need Halloween Garden Flag

Step 1: howto make a halloween garden flag

Cut your fabrics as follows:

  • 21 1/2″ x 14 1/2″ primary fabric.  I used a sturdy black with white dots quilting cotton for mine
  • 3 1/2″ x 14 1/2″ contrast fabric.  I used orange cotton.
  • 5″ x 14 1/2″ contrast fabric.  I again used orange cotton
  • Cut the pattern piece from the accent fabric, in this case white for the ghost

Step 2: add the contrast fabric

From the top, measure down 4 3/4″ and place the 5″ contrast fabric so that it is facing right sides together.  Sew the contrast fabric using a 1/4″ seam allowance.  Measure up from the bottom 2 1/2″ and place the other contrast piece right side together.  Again attach it using a 1/4″ seam allowance. 

Step 3: Fold down the contrast fabric

Fold the contrast pieces down so that the raw edges meet and press.  Top stitch along both folded edges for a finished look.

How to Make a Halloween Garden Flag
Add the accent fabric

Step 4: hem the sides

Fold the long sides 1/2″ and again 1/2″ to create a hem.  Stitch along the sides. As you can see I used wonder clips instead of pins for this step.  The wonder clips were far easier to use and I highly recommend them.  If you would like to purchase your own check out my Amazon shop here to get your own.  

How to Make a Halloween Garden Flag
Hem the sides

Step 5: Sew the top and bottom

You will notice that the contrast fabric is a bit longer than the primary fabric.  This was done on purpose.  You are going to fold the top and the bottom to the wrong side and fold the accent fabric under the raw edge of the primary fabric for a clean edge.  On the top you will fold down about 2″ and fold under the contrast fabric so that you can sew over the top stitching a second time.  You will fold up the bottom edge about 1 1/4″ and fold and sew in the same way.  Keep in mind that the top opening will need to fit your garden flag stand so make it large enough to fit.

How to Make a Halloween Garden Flag
Hem the Top and Bottom

Step 6: Add the Ghost

Take a piece of fusible web.  You will note that the web has a matte paper side and a shiny paper side.  Print out the pattern and trace it onto the matte paper side of the web. Cut out the shape.  Remove the shiny paper only revealing the adhesive. Press it onto the reverse side of the accent fabric.  Cut out the shape from the accent fabric.  Remove the matte paper to reveal more adhesive.  Press the shape onto the center of your flag with the adhesive side down and press with a hot iron so that the adhesive fuses with the fabric of the flag. Keep in mind that your image will be reversed from the drawn shape so make sure that you have drawn the shape opposite of how you want the final image to appear. Repeat for the letters.  I have included the ghost shape and letters in the pattern pieces above.  

How to Make a Halloween Garden Flag
Add the ghost

Step 7:Add the face

Now that you have adhered your ghost it is time to add the face.  I chose to use two black buttons for the eyes and an applique mouth for my ghost.  For the mouth I simply cut a “u” shape out of some black fabric I had on hand. Once you have added the face add the letters you will want to attach the fabric pieces by stitching them using a zig zag stitch.  This Halloween flag will be outside so it will be important to really adhere your applique pieces.  Once you have sewn your applique pieces add the bow if you want a girl ghost like I did.  

How to make a Halloween garden flag
Add the face and Letters
How to make a Halloween Garden Flag
Add the bow
How to make a Halloween Garden Flag
Finished Flag

I hope you enjoyed this project. If you would like more sewing and crafting projects sign up for our newsletter and receive access to our free printables library.  

 If you would like more Halloween Projects check out my Pumpkin Treat Bag post or my How to Paint a Googley Eye Mason Jar.  


Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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