Halloween Sweet Treats and Ghostly Gobbles

Halloween Sweet Treats and Ghostly Gobbles

Halloween 1

In this tutorial, I made four different types of Halloween sweet treats and ghostly gobbles.  All four are simple to make and family friendly.  You can use some pre-made ingredients or make them all your self.

  1.  Crispy Chocolate Monster Bites
  2. Creepy White Chocolate Covered Cookies Eyeballs
  3. Ghostly Bananas
  4. Chocolate and Orange Colored Marshmallow Bites
Crispy Chocolate Monster Bites
What you will need:
  • Either pre-made Rice Krispies treats or 3 tbsp butter. about 40 large marshmallows and 6 cups of rice crispy cereal
  • 10 oz of chocolate candy melts
  • Mini Oreo Cookies
  • Mini M&Ms
  • Pre-made chocolate icing or you can make your own
  • Pink icing
  • Cooling rack
  • Parchment paper
  • Baking sheet
I made my own rice crispy treats by melting tbsp of butter over low heat and then adding about 40 large marshmallows stirring until smooth.  Once the mixture was smooth, I added the 6 cups of @Rice Krispies and mixed until fully coated.  I placed the mixture into a baking dish until it was cool.  I then divided the treats into squares.
Once the treats were divided into squares, I melted the chocolate candy melts (@wiltonCakes) in the microwave for about 1 1/2 minutes, stirring half way through. I then dipped the treats into the chocolate.  I used a small brush to make sure they were totally covered and placed them onto a cooling rack that I set onto a parchment covered baking sheet. I then placed the covered treats in the refrigerator to cool.
Once the treats were cool, I took the mini Oreo cookies and separated them so that only the dark side and the white center were showing.  I placed the cookies at the top of the treats to serve as eyes for my monsters.  I then took the pink icing and squiggled a line for a mouth.  After the mouth was drawn I selected M&Ms to put inside the Oreos as eyes and all over the body of the monster as spots.  I attached the Oreos and the M&Ms using chocolate icing.   When all done, a Crispy Chocolate Monster Bite is finished for your family and friends this Halloween.
Halloween 12
Creepy White Chocolate Covered Cookies Eyeballs
What you will need:
  • Any round cookie of your choice.  You can use pre-made or make your own.
  • White chocolate chips (@GhiradelliSQ)
  • Mini M&Ms
  • Colored pre-made fondant
  • Red Food Coloring
  • Icing to attach fondant and mini M&Ms
  • Cooling rack
  • Parchment paper
  • Baking sheet

Halloween 5

I used pre-made chocolate chip cookies to save time but you can use any round cookie of your choice.  I then melted half a bag of Ghiradelli white chocolate chips because I was only making a sample batch of 6 cookies.  You can melt more if you decide to make more cookies.  I placed the white chocolate chips into a bowl that I microwaved for about 45 seconds.  Because of the small amount, I did not need anymore time.
Once the white chocolate was melted, I dipped the cookies into the white chocolate until they were fully covered. I then placed them onto a cooling rack that was set onto a parchment covered baking sheet.  I placed the cookies in the refrigerator to cool.  I then rolled out a small amount of the pre-made fondant.  I used @Cake Boss blue fondant that I got at @MichaelsStores.  Once it was rolled out, I cut small circles to be used as the eye’s iris.
Once the cookies were cooled, I placed the blue fondant circles on the white chocolate covered cookies adhering them with icing.  I meant to place brown M&Ms inside the blue fondant but forgot.  The M&M will add added color and dimension to the eyeball. Once the fondant was adhered, I took the end of a paint brush and dipped into red food coloring.  I squiggled lines from the fondant to the edges of the cookie making it appear to have blood-shot eyes.  I allowed the food coloring to dry and voila you have a Creepy White Chocolate Covered Cookies Eyeballs.
Halloween 9
Ghostly Bananas
What you will need:
  • Bananas
  • Mini Chocolate Chips
  • Wooden skewers

There is nothing easier to make than ghostly bananas.  All you need to do is cut some bananas in half.  Place two mini chocolate chips near the curved top pf the banana to serve as eyes and place a skewer into the bottom to act as a holder and you are finished.  This is a terrifically healthy ghostly banana treat for Halloween.

Halloween 6


Chocolate and Orange Colored Marshmallow Bites

What you will need:

  • Large marshmallows
  • Chocolate Candy Melts
  • Orange Icing
  • Mini M&Ms
I made these out of things I had left over.  I had a few marshmallows that I placed on skewers.  I dipped them into left over melted chocolate candy melts.  I then placed them into the refrigerator to cool.  Once they were cooled, I randomly covered them with orange icing that I had.  The messier the better on this one.  I then adhered mini M&Ms to the outside and they were finished.  Super simple chocolate and orange-colored marshmallow bites.
Halloween 4

These are just a few fun family friendly Halloween Sweet Treats and Ghostly Gobbles.  Let your imagination run wild and make other treats inspired by witches, pumpkins, mummies, and ghouls.  You can use candy, cookies, cupcakes, marshmallows, and fruits of various kinds.  This Halloween will be both fun and frightening with these easy to create recipes.





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