How to Make a Cuffed Christmas Stocking
How to Make a Cuffed Christmas Stocking
I love buffalo check and I love Christmas. I thought I would use a buffalo check remnant this Christmas to create a cuffed stocking. This is a simple sewing project with bang up results. I used a buffalo check remnant and some faux fur for this project and it came out just as I had hoped. I used a stocking pattern from a previous post and added a cuff to make it perfect for this time of year. Buffalo plaid is all the rage and I am along for the ride this year.
You never know what you are going to find in the remnant bin so I was lucky to find this. Paired with some faux fur I had on hand it came out perfect. I also made a reverse version of the same stocking. I had some white denim that I used for the outer stocking and the buffalo plaid for the cuff. This is definitely a beginner sewing project so anyone can make a cuffed Christmas stocking of their own.
As I stated I used a remnant for this project but you could head to Joann’s, Hobby Lobby or to get the perfect buffalo plaid for your project. You can also find the faux fur as well. This post contains affiliate links that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.
What you will Need: How to Make a Cuffed Christmas Stocking
- Pattern you can get here!
- Cuff Pattern You can get here!
- 1/2 yd Buffalo Plaid
- 1/2 yd. Lining Fabric
- 1/4 yd Faux fur
- Standard sewing supplies

Step 1: Cut out your Fabrics
Using the pattern cut out two from the plaid, the lining. This is important: Make sure that you have mirrored images of the stocking for each piece. This should occur naturally if you are cutting on folded fabric. If you are cutting on single thickness fabric you will need to turn the pattern over to get the mirror image. Using the pattern cut two cuffs from the fabric.

Step 2: Sew the cuff to the stocking
Stitch one side of the cuff to top of the outer stocking. Sew the lining stocking to the other side of the cuff. The three pieces should look like a big “U” shape. Repeat for the other stocking pieces.

Step 3: Add the hanger
Place the stocking pieces right sides together. Take a 6″ piece of ribbon and make a loop. Place the loop between the layers near the top of the main stocking piece so that the raw edges match and the loop is inside the stocking at the back. Pin.

Step 4: Sew the stockings together
With right sides together stitch the two stocking pieces together using a 1/4″ seam allowance. You will stitch all the way around the stocking pieces leaving an opening at the bottom of the lining.
Step 5: Turn the stocking
Turn the stocking right side out by pushing the stocking pieces through the opening you left in the lining. Sew the hole in the lining closed.

Step 6: Finish the Stocking
Push the lining into the stocking and hang it on your mantle and you have finished your Christmas cuffed stocking.

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— Sewverycrafty