How to Make a Dog Paw Christmas Stocking

How to Make a Dog Paw Christmas Stocking

Christmas is closer than you think.  With this in mind I decided to recreate a dog paw stocking that I saw online.  It was pretty simple to make.  I modified another stocking pattern that I did to create this one. You can buy these dog paw stockings in the store but I thought why should I when I can use some fun dog Christmas fabric and make my own.  So that is what I did.  I have included a free pattern to create this fun little Christmas sewing project and step-by-step instructions as usual.  This is a beginner sewing project that anyone with basic sewing skills can make.  

I used some fun dog themed Christmas fabric that I found at JOANN Fabric & Craft Stores to create my stocking but you could head to or to get exactly what you want for your doggie’s Christmas Stocking.  This post contains affiliate links that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

What you will Need: How to Make a Dog Paw Christmas Stocking

  • 1/2 yd outer and lining fabric
  • 1/4 yd faux fur
  • 1/8 yd contrasting fabric for paws.  I used faux suede that I had on hand
  • 1/8 yd heat n bond 
  • 6″ piece of ribbon
What you will Need Dog Paw stocking

Step 1: Cut out your Fabrics

Cut two outer and two lining pieces from the paw pattern. Also, cut two faux fur pieces on the fold using the pattern.

Cut your fabrics

Step 2: Add Paw Prints

In order to cut out the paw prints place your contrasting fabric onto the glue side of the heat n bond.  Cut out the paw prints along with the paper backing.  Remove the paper backing from the paw prints.  Fuse the paw prints onto one outer stocking piece as shown using a hot iron and following the manufacturer’s instructions.  Stitch in place after fusing.

Add the paw prints
Stitch the paws

Step 3: Add the Faux Fur

Place one end of the faux fur right sides together with one of the outer stocking pieces and stitch using a 1/4″ seam allowance.  Add one of the lining pieces to the other end of the faux fur as shown.  Repeat for the other outer, lining, and faux fur pieces.  

Place the cuff right sides together

Step 4: Add the Ribbon

Fold the ribbon in half.  Place the ribbon at the top pop one of the outer pieces and clip so that the loop from the ribbon in facing toward the stocking piece. 

Add the ribbon

Step 5: Stitch the Stocking

Place the two long stocking pieces right sides together with the outer pieces together and the lining pieces together.  Stitch all the way around the stocking leaving an opening in the lining for turning.  

Stitched fur and fabrics

Step 6: Finish Stocking

Turn the stocking right sides out through the opening in the lining and the open top.  Stitch the opening closed.  Stuff the lining into the outer stocking and you have finished your dog paw Christmas Stocking.  

Turn right sides out
Finished Dog Paw Stocking

I hope you enjoyed this Dog Paw Christmas Stocking.  If you would like more sewing and crafting projects sign up for our newsletter and receive access to our for Printables library


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How to Make a Dog Paw Christmas Stocking

Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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