Country Christmas Stockings From Jeans

Country Christmas Stockings From Jeans

country christmas stockings from jeans
Finished Stocking

As you know, upcycling jeans is one of my favorite things and I came across this terrific idea and thought I would share it with you.  These adorable country Christmas stockings from jeans are super simple to make and add the perfect touch to your country Christmas.  I just love them and hope that you will give them a try.

What you will Need:

  • Pattern
  • Old pair of jeans
  • 1/2 yd of Christmas fabric
  • Christmas Ribbon
  • Standard sewing supplies.
Country Christmas Stocking from jeans
What you will Need Christmas stocking

Step 1: Country Christmas Stockings from Jeans

Cut along the inseam of your jeans so that you have a back pocket and a flat surface to cut from.  Lay the pattern onto the jeans so that the waistband stays in tact and the pocket is in the middle.  Jut out the pattern.  Turn the pattern piece upside down and cut another piece so that the hem of the jeans stays in tact and serves as the top of the reverse side of the stocking.

Country Christmas Stockings from Jeans
Cut out the Stocking

Step 2: Country Christmas Stockings from Jeans

Cut two pieces of Christmas fabric to mirror the jeans.  Cut the heel and toe pieces. Cut a long piece of in seam to use as the stocking’s hanger.

Step 3: Country Christmas Stockings from Jeans

Place the heel and toes pieces onto the front piece of jeans fabric turning under the raw edge facing the interior of the stocking 1/4″. Sew the heel and toe along the turned edges.  I embellished my heel and toes with some decorative stitching but you can leave it plain if you like.

Country Christmas Stockings from Jeans
Add the Heel and Toe

Step 4: Country Christmas Stockings from Jeans

Place the two jeans stocking pieces right sides together with the inseam piece you previously cut folded and attached to the top.  Make sure the inseam piece is facing downward so that it will stick up when the stocking is turned. (I had it sticking up in the photo so you would get the idea.)  Sew along the sides and bottom enclosing the raw edges of the toe and heel.  You should have a completed stocking with a pocket on the front.

Country Christams Stockings from Jeans
Add the Hanger

Step 5: Country Christmas Stockings from Jeans

You could finish your stocking at this point and embellish it however you like.  I chose to put a lining in mine.  In order to add a lining sew the two stockings of Christmas fabric right sides together using a 1/4″ seam allowance leaving an opening for turning.

Step 6: Country Christmas Stockings from Jeans

Place the jeans stocking into the Christmas fabric stocking so they are right sides together.  Sew around the top. Turn the stocking so that the lining is inside of the stocking and top stitch around the top.  I chose to place a piece of Christmas ribbon around the top of my stocking but you could use decorative stitching or some other embellishment.

Country Christmas Stockings from Jeans
Turn the stocking through the opening.

Step 7: Country Christmas Stockings from Jeans

Once the lining is in the stocking you are now finished with your country Christmas Stocking from jeans.  Just hang it on your mantle and wait to see what Santa has in store for you.  I hope you like this idea as much as I did and have a Merry Christmas.

country christmas stockings from jeans
Finished Stocking
Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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