Cinnamon Stick Christmas Tree Ornament

Cinnamon Stick Christmas Tree Ornament

Cinnamon stick christmas tree ornament
Cinnamon Stick Christmas Tree Ornament

Christmas will soon be upon us so I thought I would start by making these cute little cinnamon stick Christmas tree ornaments.  They are terrific ornaments that have a little bit of rustic charm and a pinch of cinnamon scent at the same time.  They are super easy to make with just a few scraps of fabric, a little fiberfill and  some cinnamon sticks.  Just print out the pattern and follow this simple tutorial and you will have some sweet smelling ornaments ready for this Christmas season.

What you will need:

  • Pattern
  • Scraps of Christmas fabrics
  • Fiberfill
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Twine
  • Standard sewing supplies
What you will Need: Christmas Tree Ornament

Step 1: Cinnamon Stick Christmas Tree Ornament

Print out the pattern.  Cut two pieces of fabric for each ornament you would like to make.

Step 2: Cinnamon Stick Christmas Tree Ornament

With right sides together and using a 1/4″ seam allowance sew around the triangle leaving an opening at the bottom for turning.  Clip the corners.

Cinnamon Stick Christmas tree ornament
Sew Around the Triangle


Step 3: Cinnamon Stick Christmas Tree Ornament

Turn the triangle right side out and stuff with a small amount of fiber fill.

Cinnamon stick Christmas tree ornament
Turn Right Sides Out

Step 4: Cinnamon Stick Christmas Tree Ornament

Insert one cinnamon stick into the opening of the ornament so that it fits the length and a little over an inch is sticking out from the bottom like the trunk of the tree.

Cinnamon stick Christmas tree ornament
Add the Cinnamon Stick

Step 5: Cinnamon Stick Christmas Tree Ornament

Sew the rest of the opening closed by hand.  Insert the twine through a large eyed needle and push it though the top of the ornament and tie in a knot.  This will be the hanger.  You can also sew or glue a small star at the top of the tree for decoration if you like.  I chose not too.  You have now completed your cinnamon stick Christmas Tree Ornament.  It is really a 15 minute project.  Have fun with this one.

Cinnamon stick Christmas tree ornament
Add the Twine
Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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