How Facebook Groups helped to grow my Blog
How Facebook Groups helped to grow my Blog
Pinterest Ninja
Once I decided to grow my blog from being just a hobby that I created while I was recuperating from knee surgery to a money making venture I researched all of the different ways I could boost my blog traffic from basically zero to hero. There have been several tactics that I used to increase blog traffic and increase my income.
The first thing I did that made a huge difference was purchasing Megan Johnson’s ebook Pinterest Ninja. Pinterest Ninja opened up the world of Pinterest marketing to me. And what a world it is. I went from 2-3 Pinterest referrals per day to hundreds in a matter of two weeks. I continue to employ her advice and my Pinterest following has increased 150% during the same time frame and continues to grow. I could not have done it without her. Click here to purchase Pinterest Ninja.
What Groups to Join
The next thing I did was join Facebook groups. I joined Facebook groups that were niche related and blogging related. The best part of joining Facebook groups is that they are free to join and are a way to promote your blog for free.
I searched Facebook to find groups that would help me promote my blog and increase my traffic. My blog is in the sewing and crafting niche so I joined several groups that are dedicated to that niche. Posting my latest projects in these groups always results in a large increase in traffic to my site from my targeted readers. Of course all of that extra traffic gives me the opportunity to promote my sewing and crafting affiliate links resulting in sales conversions.
Blogging Groups are perfect for two things. First, there are groups whose sole purpose is to promote yourself and your blog. Among those groups is Blogging Networkers, Blog Support Group, and Boost your Blog.
Second are the groups that provide advice on how to grow your blog. These groups are not for self promotion but provide incredibly good advice on how to increase blog traffic and Pinterest Marketing. I belong to the Pinterest Ninja Facebook Group and Blogging like We Mean it. These two groups have been invaluable in increasing my blog traffic by providing sage advice and knowledge of the blogging world. Members ask questions and get advice from those who have been through the same blogging growing pains as you and me.
If you are interested in joining any of these groups just click on the link. I have created a brand new Facebook Group called Passion for Blogging 101 that I encourage all of you to join if you want blogging tips and tricks. It is a place where you can ask questions and promote your blog to other members. Just click the link to join.
Why Should you Join
In Facebook groups, community is the name of the game. You are networking with like minded people who are waiting to hear from you. Whether it is about your niche or blogging in general you have a ready made audience for your content.
They also allow you to determine what your target audience wants to hear. If your blog is not addressing their needs and concerns they will not turn to you. You have the opportunity to ask them what they want to hear from you then provide it. You can read the posts in the group to decide what people are interested in learning so you can address it in your blog and publicize it in your group.
Keep in mind that Facebook is the largest social media site in the world. Facebook members are active in their personal pages and in their groups. Facebook itself and groups specifically encourage that sense of community. Just think about how many Facebook friends you have made since you joined Facebook. Facebook groups are like a neighborhood of people with like interests and goals. The perfect place to promote your blog.
Embrace the Group
The best way to do that is by really embracing the group. Get involved in the conversations that are occurring. Drop your blog or blog post link when you have a solution to an issue that is raised.
Use the promotional threads to promote your blog. Make sure to include affiliate links where applicable. You do not want to appear spammy so stick to the conversation at hand and use your links appropriately. Don’t join just to promote. There are real learning opportunities in these groups so take advantage of them.
The goal is to grow your targeted audience. Know who they are so that you can speak to them. When they find that you have authority in your niche they will trust you and continue to come back for your next blog post.
If you are just starting out with your blog I encourage you to purchase my Ebook Passion for Blogging 101. It is the ultimate guide to starting and maintaining a money making blog.

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— Sewverycrafty