How to Make a Christmas Mantle Scarf
How to Make a Christmas Mantle Scarf
I was given a little more than two yards of really cute Christmas fabric and wasn’t sure what to do with it so I thought I would create this fun Christmas mantle scarf. My mantle is pretty narrow so the two yards of fabric was just enough to cover it and make the pennants for the front. If your mantle is wider you will need more fabric. You could also mix and match fabrics for fun look. There is nothing that says you have to use one fabric for this project. In fact, you can use fun fabrics or something more elegant. I had this fun fabric so I decided to go with that.
My fabric was a gift but if you do not have sufficient Christmas fabric on hand head over to JOANN Fabric & Craft Stores, Hobby Lobby, or to get the perfect fabric for you mantle scarf project. This project contains affiliate links that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.
What you will Need: How to Make a Christmas Mantle Scarf
- Pattern you can get by clicking on this link
- 2 1/2 yards of Christmas fabric
- 12 Jingle bells
- Standard sewing supplies

Step 1: Cut out your fabrics
Print the pattern and tape it together abutting the lines together. Cut a two lengths of fabric that measure the length of your mantle plus 1″ and the width of your mantle plus 1/2″. Cut 24 quadrangles using the pattern piece. My mantle is 76″ x 8″ so these measurements are for a mantle that size. You can adjust your measurements to fit your own mantle. You may also need to adjust the size of the quadrangle pieces as well.

Step 2: Stitch the Hexagons
With right sides together place two hexagon pieces together and stitch along both sides using a 1/4″ seam allowance. Clip the corners up to the stitching without cutting the sitting for nice pointy corners. Repeat for each set of hexagon pieces. Turn right sides out and press.

Step 3: add hexagon pieces to mantle piece
Place the hexagon pieces evenly along the mantle piece front and one hexagon piece on each end right sides together and pin. Leave a 1/4″ gap at either end of the mantle piece before placing the hexagons to allow for a seam. Stitch using a 1/4″ seam allowance.

Step 4: Add second Mantle piece
Place the second mantle piece right sides together with the first. The hexagon pieces should be sandwiched inside the two mantle pieces. Stitch all the way around using a 1/4″ seam allowance leaving the back long end open.

Step 5: Finish the Christmas Mantle Scarf
Turn the Christmas mantle scarf right sides out through the opening at the back. Press. Close the open end of the scarf by turning under the seam allowance and top stitch along the back edge. Once you have closed the opening add the jingle bells to the points of all of the hexagons by hand stitching them. You have now finished your Christmas mantle scarf.

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— Sewverycrafty