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How to Make a Patriotic Door Hanging

It is coming up to Memorial Day and soon the 4th of July so I decided to make this super simple patriotic door hanging to celebrate. You can get everything you need at your local fabric and craft store. Honestly it does not get any easier than this. Just some pre-made wood pieces, ribbon, paint and hot glue gets you this fun patriotic sign. The only thing that takes much time is for the paint to dry so let’s get started. If you would like more holiday sewing and crafting projects check out my holiday project vault.

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What you will Need: How to Make a Patriotic Door Hanging

Step 1: Paint the Pieces

Start by painting the plaque that will be the base of this project. I chose to paint my plaque blue. But, I mixed my paint with a bit of water for a washed look. I wanted a bit of wood to show through. I then painted my stars white in the same way. Let them Dry completely before moving on. This should not take too long.

Step 2: Glue the Stars

I hot glued four wood stars to my plaque. I centered them down the middle of my plaque but just eyeballed the distance between the stars. .

Step 3: Cut the Ribbon

You can cut your ribbon to what ever length you like. I cut mine in a few different lengths but they were all about 18″ long. Cut as many pieces as you need to be full along the bottom of the plaque.

Step 4: Hot Glue the Ribbon

Using your hot glue, glue the ribbon pieces to the back of the plaque so they stream down. Vary the ribbon pieces by color and length for a more rustic look.

Step 5: Add the Hanger

You can use ribbon or twine for the hanger. Hot Glue may not be strong enough to hold the hanging. I also used an industrial stapler to attach the hanger to the back of the plaque as well as the glue. Hang the plaque and celebrate these great American holidays.

I hope you enjoyed this Patriotic Door Hanging. If you would like more sewing and crafting projects subscribe to our free newsletter and receive access to our free printables library.

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— Sewverycrafty

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