How to Make a Twisted Headband

I just love these twisted headbands. Many of the headbands that I have seen require that you use nit fabrics. I decided to use a woven fabric and add the elastic to the bag. This technique gave me a lot of flexibility in terms of the fabric that I chose to use. Plus, cotton fabrics are easier to work with for beginners. If you want just an untwisted headband check out my tutorial here.

I chose some fun cotton fabric that I purchased at JOANN Fabric & Craft Stores. You only need a small amount for this project so a remnant or scrap could work nicely for this headband. Of course you could head to Amazon Fabrics or to get exactly what you need for your headband. This post contains affiliate links that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

What you will Need: How to Make a Twisted Headband

  • 1/4 yd of cotton fabric
  • 6″ of 1″ elastic
  • Standard sewing supplies
What you will Need

Step 1: Cut your Fabrics

Cut two pieces of fabric that measure 7″ x 18″ and one that measures 3″ x 11″.

Step 2: Stitch your Fabrics

Fold the fabrics length wise right sides together and stitch along the long sides using a 1/4″ seam allowance. Turn right sides out and press.

Stitch the fabrics

Step 3: Add the Elastic

Take the small tube of fabric you created and insert the 6″ piece of elastic. The elastic is shorter than the fabric so make sure that you secure one end and then feed the rest to the other end. Stitch the short ends to secure the elastic.

Add the elastic

Step 4: Add the Elastic Tube

Take one of the larger tubes of fabric and fold it in half widthwise. Place one end of the elastic tube on top of the short ends and overlap the short ends over the elastic tube. Stitch through all layers using a 1/4″ seam allowance.

Add the elastic tube
Fold over the sides

Step 5: Add the Other Long Tube

Insert the other long tube through the center of the first tube and fold it in half widthwise. Add the other end of the elastic tube to the end of the second long tube in the same way you did the first and stitch through all layers.

Insert the second long tube

Step 6: Turn Right Sides Out

Turn the elastic to the inside and pull the main fabric to ensure that the elastic is tucked inside. You have now finished your twisted headband.

Turn the elastic inside

I hope you enjoyed this twisted headband project. I you would like more sewing and crafting projects subscribe to our newsletter and receive access to our free printables library.

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— Sewverycrafty

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