How to Make a Zippered Flanged Pillow

How to Make a Zippered Flanged Pillow


I love pillows and have them all over my home for splashes of color and little bits of decoration so I thought I would give you all this little tutorial on how to make a zippered flanged pillow for your own home.  while this is not a beginner project if you follow the steps I am sure that anyone can complete this project in no time.

What you will Need:

  • Pillow Form
  • 1/2 Yd. Of fabric
  • Zipper – size depending on size of pillow – I used a 14″ zipper
  • Standard sewing supplies

Step 1: How to Make a Zippered Flanged Pillow

Cut out your fabrics.  I used a pillow form that I had on hand that measured 18″ W x 12″ H.  The measurements I am going to give you apply to any pillow you would like to make.  I chose a 2″ flange for this pillow.

For the back:  Pillow form length + Flange Width + 1/2″ seam allowance

Pillow width + Flange Width + 1/2″ seam allowance + 3/4″ for zipper

For the Front:  Pillow Length + Flange Width + Seam allowance

Pillow width + Flange Width + Seam allowance

My measurements were:   Back:  20 1/2″ x 17 1/4″

Front:  20 1/2″ x 16 1/2″

Step 2: How to Make a Zippered Flanged Pillow

Starting with the back.  Cut the fabric front and back pieces.

Step 3: How to Make a Zippered Flanged Pillow

Measure 3″ down from the long side of the pillow or the side where you want the zipper to be and cut the piece into two pieces.

Make a zippered flanged pillow
Measure Down 3 inches and Cut

Step 4: How to Make a Zippered Flanged Pillow

With right sides together begin by sewing the the two pieces together for a few inches then baste for the length of the zipper and sew the remaining.  Press the seam open.  You will be inserting the zipper into this seam.

Make a zippered Flanged Pillow
Sew the two pieces together

Step 5: How to Make a Zippered Flanged Pillow

Attach the zipper into the basted part of the seam you just sewed and sew it using a zipper foot making sire that the teeth run down the center.

Make a zippered flanged pillow
Insert the zipper

Step 6: How to Make a Zippered Flanged Pillow

Once the zipper has been sewn on all four sides remove the basting stitches and the zipper is in place.

Step 7: How to Make a Zippered Flanged Pillow

Sew the front to the back right sides together.  Clip the corners. Turn the pillow case right sides out through the zipper opening.  Press

Make a zippered flanged pillow
Sew around the perimeter

Step 8: How to Make a Zippered Flanged Pillow

Sew a Seam all the way around the pillow case 2″ from the edge to form the flange.

Step 9: How to Make a Zippered Flanged Pillow

Insert the pillow form and enjoy

Make a zippered flagned pillow
Zippered Flanged Pillow



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