Perfect Coupon Organizer

Perfect Coupon Organizer

Perfect Coupon Organizer
Perfect Coupon Organizer

Now that January is upon us we think of the money we have spent and the possible savings we can have for the upcoming year so I thought to create this easy to sew Perfect Coupon Organizer.  As a couponer myself this will come in handy since my old one needs to be replaced.  This organizer requires just basic sewing skills and comes together in no time.

What you will Need:

Perfect Coupon Organizer
What you will Need

Step 1: Perfect Coupon Organizer

Tape the pattern pieces together by abutting piece A to B and pieces C to B to make an airplane like shape. Cut one piece of the pattern from the exterior, lining, and interfacing. Fuse the interfacing to the exterior fabric according to the attached directions.

Perfect Coupon Organizer
Tape the Pattern Together

Step 2: Perfect Coupon Organizer

Cut two pieces of Pattern D.  Add one half of the magnetic snap to the center of one of the pocket pieces. Back the snap with a small piece of heavy weight interfacing. Sew the pieces right sides together using 1/4″ seam allowance and leaving an opening for turning.  This will be the pocket for the front of your organizer. Clip the corners and turn the piece inside out.  Push out the corners and sew a line on one long end using 1/4″ Seam allowance.  This will serve as the top of the pocket.

Perfect Coupon Organizer
Sew Around the Pocket and clip the Corners

Step 3: Perfect Coupon Organizer

Attach the pocket to the bottom of the exterior fabric 1 1/4″ from the bottom and from each side.  Make sure that the long side of the pocket with the straight line of stitching is facing down.  This will be the top of your pocket.  Sew around the remaining three sides.

Perfect Coupon Organizer
Attach the Pocket to the Exterior of the Pouch

Step 4: Perfect Coupon Organizer

Press the bottom of the exterior fabric toward the top where the bottom of the “wings” meet the main part of the piece.  Fold the top long edge of the wings to meet the long side of the exterior piece and pin.  Sew the pinned wings to the exterior using 1/4″ seam allowance.

Perfect Coupon Organizer
Fold the Wings to the Sides of the Pouch

Step 5: Perfect Coupon Organizer

Fold the bottom up toward the rounded edge and attach the bottom to the un-sewn side of the wings using 1/4″ seam allowance.  Turn the pouch inside out.

Perfect Coupon Organizer
Fold the Bottom up Toward the Rounded Edge and Attach the Bottom to the Un-Sewn Side of the Wings

Step 6: Perfect Coupon Organizer

Repeat the above steps without the pocket or interfacing using the lining fabric and leaving an opening in one of the seams for turning later.  Add the other half of the magnetic snap to the center of the circular part of the lining 1 1/4″ from the top.  I like to back my snaps with a piece of heavy weight interfacing because they get a lot of use.

Step 7: Perfect Coupon Organizer

Cut a 4 1/2″ x 44″ length of exterior fabric and interfacing to use as the strap and Tabs.  From that length cut two tabs 4 1/2″ x 5.  Fuse the interfacing to the two tabs and the remaining length.  Create the strap and tabs by folding the pieces in half lengthwise and press.  Open up the fold then fold the sides to the inside and press.  Fold the two sides together to make 1″ wide straps and tabs.  Sew the straps and tabs along the long sides of each piece.

Perfect Coupon Organizer
Fold the Tabs and Strap
Perfect Coupon Organizer
Fold the Tabs and Strap














Step 8: Perfect Coupon Organizer

Fold the tabs in half and place the D-rings in the center.  Place the tabs, D-rings down between the outer fabric and the lining, one on each top end of the pouch.  Sew all around the top of the pouch using 1/4″ seam allowance making sure to catch the tabs.  Sew a few times over the tabs to make sure they are secure.  Turn the pouch through the opening you left in the lining so the exterior of the pouch is facing out and the lining has right sides facing in.

Perfect Coupon Organizer
Insert Outer pouch into lining
Perfect Coupon Organizer
Pull the Outer Pouch through the Opening in the Lining

Step 9: Perfect Coupon Organizer

Close the opening in the lining.  Top stitch around the top for a nice finished look. Add the tri-glide to the strap if you want the strap to be adjustable then add the swivel clips to each end of the strap.  Attach the strap to the D-rings along with a split ring to store your loyalty cards.

Perfect Coupon Organizer
Completed Strap with Tri-Glide

Step 10: Perfect Coupon Organizer

Press the entire organizer then add the tab index cards that you have labeled according to your couponing process and you are finished with the Perfect Coupon Organizer.

Perfect Coupon Organizer
Perfect Coupon Organizer Inside
Perfect Coupon Organizer
Perfect Coupon Organizer
Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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