4 Beautiful DIY Pine Cone Christmas Ornaments
4 Beautiful DIY Pine Cone Christmas Ornaments
I live in Southern California so pine cones are not exactly plentiful but I did buy some last year on sale after Christmas thinking that I could make something out of them and here we are a year later with the pine cones and a few craft supplies and 4 beautiful DIY pine cone Christmas ornaments. Whether you live in an area where you can just pick them up or you have to buy them like I did these pine cone ornaments are the perfect addition to your Christmas decor. I just love how they turned out and I am sure that you will love them too.
I had everything on hand for these projects but if you don’t i recommend that you head to Michael’s to get everything that you need including the pine cones to create these terrific projects. This post contains affiliate links that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
What you will Need:
- 4 pine cones
- 1 extra small Terra Cotta Pots
- 2 round wooden balls
- 1 1/2″ Wired Burlap Ribbon
- 3 gold pipe cleaners
- 1 small screw eye
- Small amount of naturally wired
- Black Sharpie
- Pink colored pencil
- 1 Golf tee
- 7mm pom poms
- Snow Flake Findings
- Twine
- Hot Glue

Ribboned Pine Cone Ornament: 4 Beautiful DIY Pine Cone Christmas Ornaments
Step 1: Ribboned Pine Cone Ornament
Take one of the pine cones and insert a screw eye into the top. Be careful with this step because you don’t want to damage the cone while you are holding it.

Step 2: Ribboned Pine Cone Ornament
Create a bow using 1 1/2″ burlap ribbon. I created mine by simply cutting a piece of wired burlap ribbon and crossing the pieces creating an X. I gathered the center and tied a knot with the twine which created the bow shape.

Step 3: Ribboned Pine Cone Ornament
Place the ribbon over the screw eye and glue using hot glue. Insert another piece of twine through the knot you previously made to use as a hanger and you have finished your ribboned pine cone ornament.
Straw Winged Angel Ornament: 4 Beautiful DIY Pine Cone Christmas Ornaments
Step 1: Straw Winged Angel Ornament
Create the wings by taking four or five pieces of straw and folding the ends inward from the sides. Take another piece of straw and tie a knot in the center to create what looks like a bow. This will be your wings.

Step 2: Straw Winged Angel Ornament
Place the wings on the back of your pine cone and hot glue them to the cone.

Step 3: Straw Winged Angel Ornament
Add a small wooden ball to the top of the pine cone to act as the head of the angel. Hot glue the head to the pine cone. Use the Sharpie to paint on the eyes and use a pink pencil to add some color to the cheeks.

Step 4: Straw Winged Angel Ornament
Take the natural covered wire and make a small circle to act as a halo. Hot glue it to the head.

Step 5: Straw Winged Angel Ornament
Add a piece of twine to the cone to act as a hanger and you have finished your straw winged angel ornament.
Burlap Winged Angel: 4 Beautiful DIY Pine Cone Christmas Ornaments
Step 1: Burlap Winged Angel Ornament
Make the wings by crisscrossing the 1 1/2″ burlap ribbon then tying a knot on the center using twine to create a bow that will act as the wings.

Step 2: Burlap Winged Angel Ornament
Attach the ribbon to the back of the cone with loops facing toward the bottom using hot glue.
Step 3: Burlap Winged Angel Ornament
Hot glue a wooden ball to the bottom of the cone. Decorate the face using a black sharpie and a pink pencil.
Step 4: Burlap Winged Angel Ornament
Take a piece of gold pipe cleaner and wrap it in a circle to create the halo. Hot glue the halo to the head of the angel.
Step 5: Burlap Winged Angel Ornament
Wrap another pipe cleaner around the back of the cone so that the ends face the front. Wrap the pipe cleaner around the golf tee so that small end faces toward the head of the angel. Clip off the excess pipe cleaner. Place a small amount of glue on the tip of the golf tee and glue it to the head of the angel. The tee will act as the angel’s trumpet.

Step 6: Burlap Winged Angel Ornament
Wrap another pipe cleaner around the front of the cone and upward to act as the hanger for the ornament and you have completed your Burlap winged angel
Christmas Tree Ornament: 4 Beautiful DIY Pine Cone Christmas Ornaments

Step 1: Christmas Tree Ornament
Hot glue your pine cone into the miniature terracotta pot.
Step 2: Christmas Tree Ornament
You could paint your pot and your cone if you want to but I wanted to leave mine natural.
Step 3: Christmas Tree Ornament
Decorate your Christmas tree by hot gluing the miniature pom poms and snowflake findings to the pine cone.
Step 4: Christmas Tree Ornament
Wrap a piece of twine around the top of the cone to act as a hanger and you have finished your Christmas tree ornament.

If you would like more Christmas tree ornaments for your handmade Christmas try my other posts on How to Make a Popsicle Stick Sled, How to Make a Wine Cork Angel and How to Make a Rustic Fabric Ornament.
— Sewverycrafty