Free Craftsy Classes

Online Sewing Class

Free, Free, Free!!!  Free Craftsy Classes.  My affiliate Craftsy is giving away free sewing classes that can be taken anytime of the day or night.  Craftsy offers a free classes in a variety of different sewing and crafting genres.  All you have to do is head over to Craftsy by clicking the photo above and search for the classes you would like to take.  If you would like to take a class that goes more in depth on the subject of your choice you can purchase one of their other classes.  I am currently taking their crochet class.  I used to know how to crochet a long time ago but forgot.  Now I am remembering the basics and I am sure that by the end of the class I will actually be able to create something that I can wear.  I am looking forward to it.

As most of you know I have an Etsy shop where I sell a variety of handbags and hats.  I am hoping I can add some crochet items to my shop so wish me luck as I follow the step by step instruction I am receiving from crochet instructor Kim Werker.  So far so good but I definitely need practice, practice, practice, if I am going to be consistent enough to make anything good enough to sell. Well, I am going to keep plodding on at it and hopefully I will be able to create something that is worth while.  If I do, I will share it here.  I encourage all of you to share your creations here on the blog so we can see what your doing.  It is great to share ideas.  It is amazing how different the same item can look when different fabrics and embellishments are chosen.  By making comparisons we can all get new ideas for old favorites.

Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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