
St. Patrick’s Padded Pocket Rosary Pouch

St. Patrick’s Padded Pocket Rosary Pouch


ST. Patricks Padded Rosary Pouch
ST. Patrick”s Padded Pocket Rosary Pouch

St. Patrick’s day is just around the corner and most of us forget that the day is a solemn religious holiday that commemorates the death of St. Patrick.  So for this occasion I decided to make a St. Patrick’s Padded Pocket Rosary Pouch that you can use all year round to carry your rosary and your pocket rosary prayer book with you wherever you go. This is a simple beginners sewing project so I encourage everyone to give this one a try. This post contains affiliate links that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. As and Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases.  

What you will Need:

St. Patrick's Padded Pocket Rosary Pouch
What you will Need

Step 1: St. Patrick’s Padded Pocket Rosary Pouch

Cut out 5″ x 9″ pieces of outer fabric, lining fabric, and fusible fleece.  Round the ends of one end of each of the pieces to be used as the flap.

Step 2: St. Patrick’s Padded Pocket Rosary Pouch

Fuse the fleece to the wrong side of the outer fabric.  Place the lining fabric right sides together with the outer fabric.  Place a 2 1/2″ piece of ribbon through a 1/2″ swivel clip and a small spring clip. Lineup the ribbon with the raw edges of the pouch so the swivel clip faces inside.  Pin.  Stitch around the exterior using 1/4″ seam allowance and leaving a small opening for turning.

St. Patrick's Padded Pocket Rosary Pouch
Place lining over outer fabric right sides together

Step 3: St. Patrick’s Padded Pocket Rosary Pouch

Turn to right sides out and press.  Top stitch all the way around closing the opening you left for turning.

St. Patrick's Padded Pocket Rosary Pouch
Turn the Pouch

Step 4: St. Patrick’s Padded Pocket Rosary Pouch

Fold the bottom half of the pouch up toward the top and sew along the sides creating the pouch.

St. Patrick's Day Padded Pocket Rosary Pouch
Turn the bottom half up toward the top

Step 5: St. Patrick’s Padded Pocket Rosary Pouch

Add the Snap following manufacturers direction.  I added mine 2″ in from the side and 1″ down from the top of the pouch and 2″ in from the side and 1/2″ down from the top of the middle of the pouch.  This secures the pouch firmly.


Add the Snap

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I would like to acknowledge Darla Quail at Little Quail for this idea.


Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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