
How to Make a Mug Bag

How to make a mug bag

My husband is from England and drinks a lot of hot tea. His hot tea drinking inspired me to make a way to transport a mug and tea bags back and forth to work. I found this nifty pattern all over the internet and thought to share it with you. I have modified it a little to suit what I really wanted but this mug bag pattern is just what I was looking for. This is a super simple mug bag pattern to make so I would classify this as a beginner project. Only straight seams are required for this mug bag project.

I went through my stash of remnants for this project. I love remnants because you get them for 50% off at your local fabric store. Try to get the cotton fabrics that are nearly a yard for the most usability. This fabric I got at JOANN Fabric & Craft Storesbut if you do not have a remnant stash like I do head over to JOANN Fabric & Craft Stores, fabric.com or onlinefabricstore.net to get exactly what you need for your project. This post contains affiliate links that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

What you will Need: How to Make a Mug Bag

Step 1: Cut your Fabrics

  • Outer, Lining and fleece that measures 20″ x 7″ for outer bag
  • Outer Fabric that measures 3″ x 7″ for inner pocket
  • Coordinating fabric that measures 6″ x 7″ for inner pocket
  • Outer, coordinating and fleece that measure 20″ x 9″ for cup holder
  • Lining fabric that measures 4″ x 9″ for Handle

Step 2: Prepare the Inside Pocket

Take the 3″ x 7″ piece and the 6″ x 7″ piece and place them right sides together so that the long sides match. You will be creating a tube. Turn to the right side and press. You can press it however you like but I like to press a little more of the coordinating fabric toward the top.

Prepare the Pocket
Finished pocket

Step 3 : Prepare the Handle

Take the 4″ x 9″ handle piece and fold the long edges to the center and press. Fold in half to enclose the raw edges and press again. This is how your handle will look. Before you continue with your handle, turn it right sides together matching the creases and stitch the short ends together. Turn back to the right side so that the handle is again folded and the ends are stitched. Topstitch all the way around the handle.

Prepare the handle
Finished Handle

Step 4: Fuse the Fleece

Fuse the fleece to the outer 20″ x 7″ fabric and the outer 20″ x 9″ fabric following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Fuse the fleece

Step 5: Prepare the Cup Holder

Take the 20″ x 9″ pieces of fabric and place them right sides together. Stitch along both short ends. leave a small opening in one of the short ends for turning. Open the fabrics so that the outer fabric is right side together and the coordinating fabric is right side together and stitch up the long sides.

Place bag pieces right sides together
Place corresponding sides right sides together

Cut 1″ squares from each corner starting at the seam allowance. Box the corners by matching the side seam to the bottom center of each corner forming a straight line. Stitch the lines using a 1/4″ seam allowance. Turn the bag right sides out through the opening you left. Let a little bit of the inside fabric show at the top and topstitch all the way around to enclose the opening. Fold the top down.

Cut the corners
Box the Corners
Topstitch around the top
Fold over the bag

Step 6: Prepare the Outer Mug Bag

Round the corners of the part of the bag that will fold over the cup holder. Both the outer and lining. My fabric is an all over fabric so it doesn’t matter which short end I round. If you are using a directional fabric you will need to cut the long piece so that it measures 16″ x 5″ and turn the smaller piece upside down. If you don’t do this your flap will be upside down. Make sure to round the flap side of the outer bag.

Round the corners

Step 7: Add the Inside Pocket

Measure 8″ down from the rounded edge of the lining and make a mark. Place the top of the pocket on the 8″ mark. Secure the pocket in place by stitching along the sides and bottom.

Add the pocket

Step 8: Finish the Outer Mug Bag

Place the outer bag pieces right sides together and stitch all the way around leaving a small opening for turning. Turn right sides out and topstitch all the way around.

Place outer bag pieces right sides together
Turn right sides out and topstitch

Step 9: Add the Cup Holder

Push the bottom of the outer bag into the fold of the cup holder and stitch along the fold to secure. Stitch the bottom of the cup holder to the bottom of the outer bag to further secure the cup holder.

Stitch the back bottom of the cup holder to the outer bag

Step 10: Add the Handle

Place a cup or mug into the mug bag and fold over the flap. Check the appropriate place for the handle on top of the mug bag. Stitch the handle to the bag using a 1 1/2″ square on each end of the handle. Stitch an X inside the box.

Add the Handle

Step 11: Add the Kam Snaps

Add a Kam Snap on each side of the flap to secure the flap when closed. if you are unfamiliar with how to install Kam Snaps check out my video.

Add the Kam Snaps
Finished Mug Bag

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How to Make a Mug Bag



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