How to Make a Travel Sewing Kit

How to Make a Travel Sewing Kit

How to make a travel sewing kit

How to Make a Travel Sewing Kit.  I always travel with a sewing kit because you just never know when you are going to need it.  The plastic ones always break and your sewing supplies end up all over your suitcase so I wanted to make one that was fabric and would protect my small sewing supplies.  I love to sew travel projects and came across this pattern from and decided to give it a try.  I wasn’t pleased with the instructions and thought a picture tutorial would make this travel sewing kit project easier.

As usual, I used remnants for this entire project but if you want something special head over to or Hobby Lobby to select the perfect fabric for you. This post contains affiliate links that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you.

This is a beginner sewing project although it can be a little fidgety it does not require advanced skills.  I would recommend a good quilting cotton for this project.

What you will Need:

  • Travel Sewing Kit Pattern
  • Remnants or 3 fat quarters in different coordinating colors
  • 3″ square of felt
  • 3″ square of cotton batting
  • Embroidery Floss

Step 1: How to Make a Travel Sewing Kit

Cut out the pattern pieces and tape the two main pattern pieces together lining up the dots.  You should have 1 long rounded pattern piece and a smaller rounded pattern piece.  From the smaller pattern piece trace out and cut the shape for the needle patch. The original pattern included yoyos for decoration.  I didn’t bother with them but if you would like to add them there is a round pattern piece for this purpose.

Step 2: How to Make a Travel Sewing Kit

Cut the travel sewing kit pattern as follows:

Outer Fabric:

  • 1 of the main pattern A
  • 3 of pattern B if you are doing the yoyos

Interior Fabric:

  • 1 of main Pattern A
  • 1 of Pattern C

Pocket Fabric:

  • 1 — 1 1/2″ x 22″ for tie (I used my exterior fabric for this but you can choose any fabric you like.
  • 3 — 3 1/4″ x 4 1/2″ rectangles


  • 1 pattern D for the needle patch


  • 1 pattern D for the needle patch

Step 3: How to Make a Travel Sewing Kit

Press the 4 1/2″ side of the pocket rectangles down 1/2″.  This will be the top of each pocket.  Press the straight edge of the rounded pocket in the same fashion.  Top stitch 1/4″ along each folded edge.

How to make a travel sewing kit
Pocket Pieces

Step 4: How to Make a Travel Sewing Kit

Make the tie  by pressing the strip in half lengthwise.  Open up the strip and fold the edges toward the middle and press.  Fold in half and top stitch along the length.  Tie the ends in a knot and trim excess fabric.

How to make a travel sewing kit
Make the Tie

Step 5: How to Make a Travel Sewing Kit

Using a Frixion heat erasable pen, mark the location for the pockets and the stitching lines from the pattern onto the interior pattern piece A. With right sides together, pin the bottom pocket to interior piece A.  Stitch along the stitching line then fold the pocket over right side up and press.  Do this for all three rectangular pockets.

How to make a travel sewing kit
Add the Pockets to Interior Piece A

Step 6: How to Make a Travel Sewing Kit

With right sides together pin the rounded pocket to the bottom of the interior Piece A.  Using a 1/8th inch seam allowance, baste all of the pockets along the straight sides.

Step 7: How to Make a Travel Sewing Kit

Fold the tie in half and baste the fold to the right side of Interior piece A on the non pocket end.

How to make a travel sewing kit
Add the Tie

Step 8: How to Make a Travel Sewing Kit

With right sides together place the Interior Piece A and the exterior Piece A together. Make sure that the tie is on the inside.  It is good idea to push it into the top pocket so it doesn’t get caught in the seam allowance.  Sew the two pieces together using a 1/4″ seam allowance and leaving a 2″ opening on one side.

Step 9: How to Make a Travel Sewing Kit

Turn the whole piece right sides out through the opening you left in the side.

How to make a travel sewing kit
Turn Right Side Out and Add the Needle Patch

Step 10: How to Make a Travel Sewing Kit

Layer to batting and the felt and hand sew the two pieces to the pocket end of Interior piece A making sure that you only sew through the top pf the pocket.  This will be the needle patch.

Step 11: How to Make a Travel Sewing Kit

Hand sew the opening closed using ladder stitch.  Add some sewing supplies and roll up and you have now finished your travel sewing kit.

How to make a travel sewing kit
Fill your Travel Sewing Kit
How to make a travel sewing kit
Roll up your Travel Sewing Kit

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Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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