How to Sew a 3D Traditional Fabric Christmas Ornament

I was working on a Cricut crafting project on Adobe Illustrator for my other blog and created some traditional looking Christmas ornaments. I wondered how to make them into a sewing project. It was really pretty simple to do. So I came up with this tutorial on How to Sew a 3D Traditional Fabric Christmas Ornament. If you would like more Christmas sewing and crafting projects head over to the holiday project vault.
I used Christmas themed fabric. I purchased the Christmas fabric from JOANN Fabric & Craft Stores. Of course you could head to Amazon Fabrics or to get exactly what you need for your Christmas ornaments. This post contains affiliate inks that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
What you will Need: How to Sew a 3D Traditional Fabric Christmas Ornament
- Pattern you can get from clicking on this link
- Sewing Machine
- Fat quarter of Christmas Fabric
- Polyester fiberfil
- Embroidery Floss
Step 1: Cut out your Fabrics
Cut 4 pieces of the ornament pattern from the Christmas fabric and one each of the circles from two different felt colors.

Step 2: Stitch the Ornament Pieces
Take two of the ornament pieces and stitch them right sides together along the long raw edges using a 1/4″ seam allowance. Repeat for the other two pieces so you have two pairs of ornament pieces.

Step 4: Stitch the Pairs Together
Place the pairs right sides together and stitch along one long raw edge. Stitch the other raw edge but make sure that you leave an opening for turning. Stitch the bottoms. Turn right sides out.

Step 5: Add the Hanger and Stuff the Ornament
Using a large eyed needle insert the embroidery floss into the opening and through the top and back down again. Tie the ends into a not to form a loop. Using the polyester fibrfil stuff the ornament to give it its full 3d look.
Step 6: Close the Opening
Close the opening using ladder stitch so that the stitches are not seen. You have now finished your 3d traditional fabric ornament.

I hope you enjoyed this super simple ornament project. if you would like more sewing and crafting projects subscribe to my newsletter and recess access to my free Printables library.
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— Sewverycrafty