Lillyella Undercover Maker Mat
Lillyella Undercover Maker Mat

Free Pattern and Tutorial: Lillyella Undercover Maker Mat
I saw this free tutorial and pattern for the Lillyella Undercover Maker Mat at my affiliate which linked me to and Nicole who created this terrific pattern and tutorial. Just click on the photograph or the links above to obtain the pattern and complete tutorial. I absolutely love this idea and am in the process of making it myself. I will post photographs of my project when it is complete.
There are elements of this project that require some quilting skills but they are minimal. Fortunately, Nicole is very good at explaining exactly what you need to do in her tutorial so you really do not need specific quilting understanding to complete this project. I did need to go to another of her tutorials to get directions for the butterfly charm paper piecing quilt block but it was easy to find and you can get the directions and the pattern by clicking on the link. I am not much of a quilter myself. I find I do not have the patience for it but I loved this idea and felt the time spent on it was well worth it and I think you will too.
I encourage you all to take a run at creating this terrific mat that doubles as a sewing machine cover. It will keep your sewing area neat and tidy as you create all the projects we create here at While you are at it, take a look at Nicole’s other quilting projects. She has very easy to follow instructions and photographs for all of her tutorials and her projects are fun and easy to create. Good luck and good sewing for a fun and functional Lilleyella Undercover Maker Mat.
— Sewverycrafty