How to Make a See Through Zipper Pouch

How to Make a See Through Zipper Pouch

How to Make a See Through Zipper Pouch

It is always nice to see what is actually in my zipper pouches so I decided to create a see through zipper pouch that has a little bit of size that I can put my stuff in.  I didn’t want it all vinyl.  I actually wanted some fun fabric to top off my vinyl. This pouch is supper simple to make and is actually no different than any other zipper pouch except that it requires clear vinyl as the body.  This specialty material is a little fidgity but fairly easy to work with.  I would recommend a Teflon foot when sewing the vinyl so it sews nice and smooth.   

I purchased the vinyl at JOANN Fabric & Craft Stores online and the fun fabric at Fabric Frenzy online but you could head to Hobby Lobby or to get exactly what you need for your see through zipper pouch.  Because this only requires a small amount of fabric you could delve into your stash as well.  This post contains affiliate links that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 

If you want a video tutorial of this same project head over to YouTube and check out my latest video and subscribe to my channel while you are there.  

How to Sew a Clear Vinyl Pouch

What you will Need: How to Make a See Through Zipper Pouch

What you will Need See Through Zipper Pouch

Step 1: cut your fabrics

From the outer fabric cut two 4″ x 10 1/2″ pieces and from the lining cut two pieces the same size.  Cut two interfacing pieces 4″ x 10 1/2″ as well.  From the outer fabric cut two zipper tabs that measure 2″ x 2 1/2″. Cut two vinyl pieces that measure 6 1/2″ x 10 1/2″.  

Step 2: Fuse the interfacing

Fuse the interfacing to the outer fabric following the manufacturers instructions.  

Fuse the interfacing

Step 3: Add the vinyl

With right sides together stitch one vinyl panel to one outer panel using a 1/2″ seam allowance.  There is really not a right or wrong side to the vinyl.  Just make sure that you stitch with the right side of the outer fabric.  Repeat for the other outer panel.

Stitch the vinyl

Step 4: add the zipper tabs

Fold the raw edges of the 2″ side into the center of the tab and press.  Fold in half again and press.  Your tab should measure 1/2″ x 2 1/2″.  Cut in half.  Trim the ends of the zipper to the stops on each end or shorten a longer zipper to 9″. Open one side of the zipper tab and insert the zipper into the tab and pin. The top end of the zipper will want to open so take care when stitching this end.  Topstitch the zipper tabs near the interior folds to secure.  

Create the zipper tabs
Trim the zipper
Add the zipper tabs

Step 4: Install the zipper

Lay your outer fabric right sides up on your work space.  Place your zipper right sides down on the outer fabric centered.  There will be a 1/2″ space on either side of the zipper.  Place the lining fabric right sides down on the zipper like a zipper sandwich and clip all three layers.  Using a zipper foot, stitch the zipper to the lining and outer fabric close tot he zipper teeth.  Open up the fabric so the zipper is showing and press without touching the vinyl because it will melt. Repeat for the other side of the zipper.

Add the zipper
Added zipper

Step 5: Stitch the lining to the vinyl

Fold up the raw edge of the lining panels by 1/2″ and press.  Lay the folded lining edge over the seam you created when you stitched the outer panel to the vinyl.  Refold the lining until it completely covers the seam and cannot be seen from the front.  Top stitch along the front seam for a finished look and to secure the lining in place.  Top stitch the zipper as well. 

Fold the lining
Top Stitch the lining and the zipper

Step 6: stitch the front and back together

With right sides together stitch the front and back panels together using a 1/2″ seam allowance. Starting next to the top zipper tab but not on it stitch down the bag, along the bottom and up the other side.  

Place right sides together
Stitched bag
Cut out the corners

Step 7: box the corners

Cut a 3/4″ x 3/4″ square from each corner of the bag.  Trim the rest of the seam allowances to 1/4″.  Match the side seam with the bottom seam and stitch across the corner using a 1/2″ seam allowance. Trim the excess.  Turn the bag right sides out and you have finished your see through zipper pouch.  

Box the corners
Stitch the corner
Turn right sides out

I hope you enjoyed this project. If you would like more sewing and crafting tutorials sign up for our newsletter and receive your free eBook of 15 handbag patterns and tutorials.  


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How to Make a See Through Zipper Pouch

Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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