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How to Make Bow Scrunchies

How to Make Bow Scrunchies

How to make a bow scrunchie

Scrunchies have made a big comeback for those of you who have enough hair to use them.  The beauty of making your own is that you can make them in any pattern or color that you want in just minutes.  You are no longer stuck with those solid colors of the past but can use fabrics with pattern and color.  You can make them with bows and without.  It is completely up to you.  I love the idea of having so much choice in the fabrics that I choose for these little gems.  Fun and functional is the name of the game for these bow scrunchies.  So take a few minutes and make a few or more.  They truly take just minutes to make. If you would like to learn to make scarf scrunchies check out my scarf scrunchy tutorial here.  

I used some fat eighths that I had in my stash to create these bow scrunchies but you could use remnants or fat quarters to make yours.  They require just a small amount of fabric and bit of elastic to get exactly what you want for your scrunchies. If you would like to watch a video of how to make this project. Head over to YouTube and watch my video on How to Make Bow Scrunchies and while you are there subscribe to my channel and give me a thumb’s up.  

How to Make Bow Scrunchies

What you will need:

How to Make Bow Scrunchies
What you will Need Scrunchies

Step 1: How to Make Bow Scrunchies

Cut your fabrics.  For each scrunchie you will need a rectangle that measures 3″ x 14″ and two pattern pieces cut on the fold.  The pattern pieces will be the bow on the scrunchie and is optional if you just want the scrunchie itself.

How to make bow scrunchies
Scrunchie pieces

Step 2: How to Make Bow Scrunchies

Fold the Long rectangle in half lengthwise.  Sew the rectangle up one long side right sides together using a 1/4″ seam allowance.  Turn the rectangle right sides out and press so that the seam is in the back of the rectangle.

How to make bow scrunchies
Sew pieces right sides together

Step 3: How to Make Bow Scrunchies

Place the two pattern pieces right sides together and begin sewing just a little off the center of one side of the piece.  Sew all the way around and the entire piece but stop sewing just before you reach the center of the side where you started.  This leaves an opening to turn the piece.  Turn the bow piece right sides out through the opening and press.  Sew the opening closed using ladder stitch or a small whip stitch.

How to make bow scrunchies
Turn the Pieces right sides out

Step 4: How to Make Bow Scrunchies

Take the 6 1/2″ piece of elastic and insert a safety-pin at one end.  Feed the elastic through the rectangle so that both edges meet.  Sew the elastic ends together using zig zag stitch.  

How to make bow scrunchies
Join the elastic

Step 5: How to Make Bow Scrunchies

Turn under one of the short raw edges of the scrunchy and place the other raw edge underneath it so that it is inside the scrunchy.  Sew the turned under edge through all layers including the elastic.

How to make a bow scrunchie
Turn under the raw edge

Step 6: How to Make Bow Scrunchies

Tie the bow piece to the scrunchy where the pieces overlap and you have finished your bow scrunchy in no time at all.

How to make a bow scrunchie
Add the bow

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Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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