DIY Halloween Costumes
DIY Halloween Costumes from Around the Web

Here are some DIY Halloween costumes I found while looking around the web. All of them are easy to make or just put together for a quick last minute costume. Some are more complex than others but I think they will all get your creative juices going for upcoming Halloween season.
Gumball Machine Dress

I love this one. It can be made for children or adults and is super simple. I found this great dress at the Joy of Fashion. It is simply a red dress with the top covered in multicolored pompoms you can get at any craft store along with some hot glue and a piece of grey felt and a black Sharpie for the coin slot. Put them all together and you have a fun and colorful gumball machine dress perfect for Halloween. You might want to change out the pompom head piece for a cute red beret to really top off the look.
Green Army Guy

I thought this costume was brilliant when I saw it at Wild Ink Press. Rebekah has a wonderful website with a lot of ideas covering many different areas. She is an artist, a printer, and a greeting card entrepreneur among other things. She shares ideas about food, family and fun. Take some time with her site. It is very interesting and fun to click around on and while you are there take a look at this terrific one of a kind costume.
Willy Wonka

These costumes are simply too cute for words. Anyone who has seen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with the late Gene Wilder will recognize them immediately. I saw this at Mitch and Mickey where there is a complete tutorial for both costumes. They are both easy and inexpensive to make. I would definitely suggest giving these a try.
Stay Puft Marshmallow Baby

This costume is very cute and simple to make for any infant in your home. I saw this costume at Coolest Homemade Costumes. It was posted by Lauren from Boston, MA. In the post, Lauren provides a tutorial with photos so for all of you Ghost Busters fans out there here is one that can easily be made into a family project by adding some ghost buster costumes of your own. Lauren did and you can too.
Beanie Baby Pet

As most of you know, I love dogs. I am not much for dressing them up so if you are like me but don’t want to leave them out of the Halloween season here is the perfect idea. I found this great Beanie Baby Idea at Pure Wow in their post 20 Ways to Dress up your Dog this Halloween. Of course if you don’t mind going all out in dressing up your pooch there are some fun ideas on this site but for me, this simple idea was perfect.
Queen of Hearts

It doesn’t get easier than this Queen of Hearts costume created by Marie at The Joy of Fashion. She provides a great tutorial on how to make the collar and the crown. Add a red dress and some heart shaped accessories and you are on your way to becoming her Majesty yourself.
The Flintstones

I found these fabulous Flintstones forgeries over at Babble along with a complete tutorial with photos for the whole family. Easy to make and fun and comfortable to wear on a night of Halloween fun. Run on over to Babble to see this and other costumes for your Halloween night.
Costumes that Need No Explaination
All of you know that I love upcycling things from thrift stores and what better way to create great Halloween Costumes for just a little money than going to your nearest Salvation Army or Goodwill store. Here a few ideas from the Sweet Escape, Chicks who Give a Hoot, and Breagh Who that were created from thrift store finds. All of these costumes can be made for adults or children and use just everyday items. I think I love these best.

I hope you liked our trip around the web today. There are thousands of ideas out there from elaborate makeup effects to complex DIY costumes. I chose just a few easy to make and put together projects for both adults and children for this around the web segment. I hope you like it and explore the sites that these ideas came from. You might get ideas of your own.
— Sewverycrafty