
How to Make a Mattress Spring Scarecrow

Autumn is upon us. It is time for autumn crafting as the weather begins to cool. With Thanksgiving coming up I thought to make this super simple Mattress Spring Scarecrow. Crafting doesn’t really get any easier than this. I used a mattress spring and Dollar Tree craft supplies so it was inexpensive to make as well. Not only do I love Dollar Tree crafts, I also love these mattress spring crafts as well. I have many holiday projects that you can create so if you would like to see them check out my holiday project vault.

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What you will Need: How to Make a Mattress Spring Scarecrow

Step 1: Wrap the Mattress Spring

Using the scraps of fall fabric wrap the mattress spring gluing as you go along using your hot glue. I used 1″ strips to wrap my spring.

Step 2: Create the Face

First, pull off the stem. You can use your own artistic skills for this or use stickers, buttons or other items. I painted the face on my scarecrow. To do this take your Dollar Tree Pumpkin and draw two white circles in the center toward the top. These circles will be the whites of the eyes. Let the circles dry. Add two blue, green or brown circles within the whites for the eyes.

From the Red paint draw the nose. Highlight it with a little black. Using the black sharpie or paint draw the mouth and the eye brows. Finally add the cheeks with the pink paint. Make sure to let each paint layer dry before moving on the next.

Step 3: Add the Straw to the Face

Take the straw and glue it to the pumpkin head so that it falls down about halfway from the top of the pumpkin and add some bangs to the front.

Step 4: Embellish the Hat

Fold the front of the hat up and hot glue it. Using Dollar Tree autumn embellishments add them to the hat.

Step 5: Add the Hat

Glue the embellished hat on top of the pumpkin.

Step 6: Glue the Pumpkin to the Mattress Spring

Using e6000 or hot glue, glue the pumpkin to the mattress spring.

I hope you enjoyed this project. If you would like more sewing and crafting projects subscribe to our free newsletter and receive access to our free printables library.

Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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