How to Sew a Flower Bowl

I love these flower bowls and they are so simple to make. You can learn how to sew a flower bowl by using the free pattern and following this step-by-step tutorial. This is a beginner sewing and quilting project that anyone with basic sewing skills can make. It is a fun and functional sewing project that you can put all of your small things in. If you would like another simple bowl project check out this one.

I used some flowery fat quarters for this project that I purchased from Amazon Fabrics but you could head to JOANN Fabric & Craft Stores or to get exactly what you need for your flower bowls. This post contains affiliate links that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. As and Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

What you will need: How to Sew a Flower Bowl

What you will Need

Step 1: Cut out your Fabrics

Using the free pattern cut two pieces of fabric and one piece of batting on the fold.

Cut out your Fabrics

Step 2: Add the Batting

Add the batting to the wrong side of one of the fabric pieces by using pins or spray adhesive. I used spray adhesive for my project.

Add the Batting

Step 3: Stitch the Darts

Between each petal is a space. Consider those as darts. Pin them together one both the piece with the batting and the piece without the batting and stitch using a 1/4′ seam allowance. This will give the bowls structure. You should have two flower bowls at this point and outer bowl with batting and a lining bowl without.

Create the darts
Stitch the Darts

Step 4: Combine the Two Bowls

Place the lining bowl into the outer bowl so that they are right sides together. Stitch all the way around the top petals using a 1/4″ seam allowance leaving one petal unsewn for turning. Make sure that the dart seams are nested for a nice neat look. Clip carefully around the petals without clipping the seam.

Nest the bowls and stitch them together

Step 5: Turn Right sides Out

Turn the bowl right sides out through the opening you left in the petal. Pin the petal edges and turn under the open petal edge.

Turn right sides out

Step 6: Topstitch the Edge of the Flower Bowl

Topstitch the edge of the flower bowl using a 1/8″ seam allowance as you go.

Topstitch the bowl

Step 7: Quilt the Flower Bowl

Quilt the flower bowl however you like. I just quilted criss cross lines on mine to secure the batting and the fabric. You have now completed your flower bowl. How fun was that?

Quilt the bowl
Finished Flower Bowl

I hope you enjoyed this simple flower bowl project. If you would like more sewing and crafting projects subscribe to our free newsletter and receive access to our free Printables Library.

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— Sewverycrafty

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