Laundry Room Redo
Laundry Room Redo
Laundry Room Redo. I recently redid my tired old laundry room into my favorite room in the house. I just love the 1950’s vibe. It was easy to do although it took a few days because I got up the courage to paint the cabinets a teal color that I had matched from a bottle of nail polish I had gotten for free at my local CVS. It was that bottle of nail polish that inspired me to hit the 50’s with this project.
Step 1: Laundry Room Redo
I painted the upper and lower cabinets in my laundry room the aqua color I chose. They were golden oak before I painted them like everything else in my house. It took a little courage to get up the nerve to paint them but I really didn’t like the golden oak color so I followed the same procedure I used for painting the furniture and the cabinets came out great. It took a few days for the paint to dry and to do two coats but it was well worth the wait. I then added some 50’s inspired hardware I got at my local big box hardware store.

Step 2: Laundry Room Redo
I decided to paint the walls cream. They are a nice buttery cream color that hit the 50’s running. I added some sticky back vinyl wood look flooring to the space also. Oh love this stuff. It looks and feels like wood but you just stick it down and it acts like vinyl. Very cool.

Step 3: Laundry Room Redo
I then added a little 50’s style. I started with a shelf that I have had for years. I mounted it on the wall and added some atomic stars fabric that hung over the bottom rail with a vintage cherry apron. On top I added a reproduction mini 50’s teal and white Chevy Bel Aire along with a vintage teal pot with a succulent, a vintage Pepsi tray and reproduction juke box salt and pepper shaker set and a vintage cherry tin. There is also a framed vintage vacuum cleaner ad. How fun.

I then added a photo of two of my favorite radio stars, Fibber McGee and Molly. On the other side where the cabinets are I added a teal laundry basket with a vintage tea towel and a vintage atomic stars plate and a vintage radio that actually works. Above the washer and dryer is one of my favorite Falbo’s called “The Way it Use to Be” and finally a reproduction school clock in teal of course.

Step 4: Laundry Room Redo
For the last step I came across a terrific embroidery project for a laundry bag. I didn’t know how to embroider so I taught myself using a book called Beginners Guide to Embroidery that had the pattern and pictures of how to do all of the stitches. I included a link on how to learn embroidery so I encourage you to give it a go. Here is my very first embroidery attempt; not too bad, not great either.

Laundry Bag
What You Will Need:
- Pattern
- White Muslin in the size you want your bag to be.
- Embroidery thread int he colors of your choice
- Size 8 Embroidery Needle
- Cording for the drawstring
- Embroidery Hoop
- Standard Sewing Supplies
Step 1:
Trace the design from the pattern onto the Muslin. Use one strand of the embroidery thread and outline the design using backstitch and black thread.
Step 2:
Fill in the colors using satin stitch for the blocks and and long stitch for the grass. You can use a variety of long and short stitches for the cat. Everything else is done in backstitch.
Step 3:
In order to make the bag, sew the front to the back, right sides together. Make a casing at the top by double folding the fabric and sewing at the bottom edge and leaving an opening near the side seam. Using a bodkin, thread the cording through casing. When the ends meet knot them together and you have finished.
Thanks to Immediate Media Co. and Beginner’s Guide to Embroidery for this terrific laundry line pattern and instructions for completing it.
— Sewverycrafty