Sewing Room Must Haves

Sewing Room Must Haves

sewing room must haves

You are either a sewer or a wannabe sewer and you are looking around your sewing space and wondering what do I really need to create awesome looking projects.  It is easy to get sucked into buying all of the latest gadgets and stock up on stuff you don’t need.  Trust me I know from personal experience.  I have been in a sewing room downsizing mood lately and looked around to decide what are my sewing room must haves.  I was shocked at the amount of stuff I had in my sewing room that I don’t really need. So I decided to downsize.

I thought about the things that were must haves and the things that I could get rid of.  I decided on the one year rule.  Meaning that if I haven’t used it in a year it is going.  That was the easy part.  The harder part was deciding what I should keep. To determine what to keep I did two things:  I looked around my sewing room and I went to my affiliate site Sewing Machines Plus for organization ideas and for sewing room must haves.

It was easy for me to narrow down the items that I use the most and decide which items I need to stock up on.  Among the must have items were bobbins.  I can never seem to have enough.  Fortunately, Sewing Machines Plus carries the bobbins that my machine uses.  I am fortunate that along with my affiliate I can do all of my shopping at home for all of my sewing projects and concentrate on the sewing that I love.  For a complete list of must have items simply enter your information below and download your PDF.  For great deals on fabric, notions and other sewing room must haves head over to my affiliates Sewing Machines Plus and  They will make your sewing life so much easier.

For a post on sewing room organizing hacks check out my post on 10 sewing room organizing hacks.

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**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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