Spooky Monster Halloween Door

halloween door
Another Great Halloween Decorating idea from All You Magazine (All You Halloween Door) .  I thought this was a simply spooky idea for anyone’s front door during the Halloween season.
  • Eye template (click to download pdf)
  • Printer and 10 sheets plain white paper
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape
  • 4 to 6 yards black fake fur (find at fabric or craft stores), depending on door size
  • Transparent tape
  • White marker or crayon
  • 10 sheets 8½” x 11″ paper in neon colors
  • Duct tape
  • 1 or 2 sheets black construction paper
  • Double-sided tape
  • 8 3M Command strips
  1. Download template; enlarge to various sizes (largest is 400 percent), then print. Cut out eyes from white paper.
  2. Measure door; cut fur to size.
  3. Place fabric, fur side down, on flat surface. Position eye templates on back of fabric (leaving room to accommodate door handle); temporarily tape in place.
  4. Outline each eye template on back of fabric with marker; remove templates and discard. Use scissors to cut out eyes. Discard any fur that sheds.
  5. Cover back of each eye opening with neon paper; secure with duct tape. Turn fabric over, fur side up. Cut circles for pupils from black paper, varying size and shape for each eye. Use double-sided tape to secure a pupil to each neon eye.
  6. Trim edges of fur to make ragged. Use fingers to fluff fur.
Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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