It is the Fall season and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I thought I would create this fun and relatively easy to make fall applique burlap table runner. All you need is a computer, some remnant fall fabrics, some brown felt and a 2 yd or longer piece of burlap and you are ready to go. I will include the templates that I used for my runner in this tutorial. Lets get started.
What you will Need:
- Templates
- 4 Remnant fall fabrics
- 2 yds or more of Burlap
- fusible web
- Standard Sewing Supplies
Step 1: Fall Applique Burlap Table Runner
Cut the burlap to the size you need. A good rule of thumb is to measure the width of your table and divide it by 2 and add 2″. This will give you the width of your runner. The length depends on you. I used 2 yards for mine but could have made it a bit longer. A good rule of thumb is to measure the length of your table and add the drop of each end and add 4″. I should have done that but thought 2 yards would be enough. It still works for this project.
Step 2: Fall Applique Burlap Table Runner
Fold a 1″ hem all the way around the runner and press.
Step 3: Fall Applique Burlap Table Runner
Insert 1/2″ fusible webbing between the folds of the hem and press so that the hem is bonded. I would also sew the hem because the fusible web does not stick that well to the burlap. If you choose to sew the hem, make sure that you use a small length zigzag stitch or your seam will not hold together because of the loose weave of the burlap.

Step 4: Fall Applique Burlap Table Runner
Cut out the templates. Fuse some fusible web to the wrong side of your chosen fabrics leaving the paper side down following the manufacturers instructions.
Step 5: Fall Applique Burlap Table Runner
Using the templates, cut out an odd number of leaf shapes from the fabrics you just fused to fill the table part of your runner. I used seven shapes for mine. I think an odd number gives a more pleasing presentation.
Step 6: Fall Applique Burlap Table Runner
Lay the shapes out in a pleasing arrangement along the length of the runner and fuse them. I found that the fusible web will only stick for a short time so you will need to stitch soon after fusing so make sure that you fuse and sew in the same afternoon.
Step 7: Fall Applique Burlap Table Runner
Stitch around each of the shapes using a zigzag stitch. Once the shapes have been stitched you have finished your fall applique burlap table runner.

— Sewverycrafty