
How to Make DIY Plaster Air Fresheners

How to Make DIY Plaster Air Fresheners

Learn to make these diy plaster air fresheners using standard crafting supplies that you can get at any craft store. These air fresheners are perfect for the car, closet or as drawer sachets. Of course they don’t last forever but the scent lasts about 2-3 weeks in smaller spaces and can be refreshed for another 2-3 weeks.  This is a fun beginner craft project that anyone can make with the right tools.  I had plaster left over from a flower dipping project I did a while ago and thought these would be perfect to use up some of that plaster I had left over.  

My plaster of Paris was purchases at Michaels and my candle making oils and mold at JOANN Fabric & Craft Stores to make this project.  I used a soap mold for my project but did not fill it up entirely. I just filled up the decorative part.  But I will discuss that more later. You could use silicon candy molds if you like but I wanted to keep costs down so I want with a plastic soap mold instead.  This post contains affiliate links that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.  

What You will Need:  How to Make DIY Plaster Air Fresheners

  • Plaster of Paris
  • Essential oils or candle making oil
  • Candy or soap mold
  • 1/4″ Ribbon
  • Plastic cups
  • Plastic Spoons
What you will Need Air Fresheners

Step 1: Mix your Plaster

I mixed 2 parts of plaster to one part of water in a disposable plastic cup.  I added a tablespoon of scented candle making oil to my plaster and made sure to mix for about as minute.  The purpose of mixing for a minute was to make sure all the air bubbles were eliminated.  You can keep adding your oil until you feel like it is enough to give your fresheners the smell you like.

Mix the plaster

Step 2: Pour your Plaster

Pour the plaster into the mold.  Because I used soap molds I did not use the entire mold.  Instead, I just used the decorative part.  The mold was either square or round with a decorative top.  I filled just the top for my air fresheners so they had the flower or leaf shape only.  

Fill Molds

Step 3: Let the Plaster Cure

I tapped the mold a few taps to get the air bubbles out of the plaster then allowed it to cure.  It should only take about half an hour for your fresheners to set but it will take overnight for them to completely cure.  

Step 4: Add your Ribbon

Using a drill and a 1/4″ drill bit drill a hole into each of your air fresheners.  Take this process slow so as not to crack the plaster.  Insert a colorful ribbon and hang them in your car, your closet or place them in a drawer.  

How to Make DIY Plaster Air Fresheners

I hope you enjoyed this air freshener project.  If you would like more sewing and crafting projects sign up for our newsletter and receive access to our free Printables Library


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How to Make DIY Plaster Air Fresheners

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— Sewverycrafty

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