Tipsy Topsy Turvy Garden Pots
Tipsy Topsy Turvy Garden Pots

I was looking for a fun spring craft that would bring color to everyone’s garden or patio and I came across these fantastic tipsy topsy turvy garden pots. They are super easy to make and can be put either in the garden if you have one or on your patio.
What you will need: Tipsy Topsy Turvy Garden Pots
- 6 ft of rebar or you can use a 5/8″ dowel that is painted with water proofing
- Potting mix
- 1 large clay or plastic pot
- 5 medium clay or plastic pots
- 6 different types of herbs or flowers
- Spray Paint
- Acrylic Paints
- Decorative piece or bowl
Step 1: Tipsy Topsy Turvy Garden Pots
Insert the rebar or water proofed dowel in to the soft ground. If the wooden dowel is not waterproofed it will disintegrate in the soil so I would recommend using the rebar. If you are making this project for your patio, place it into the large pot supported by cross members or some other stabilizer. Without the supports the rebar/dowel will fall over.
Step 2: Tipsy Topsy Turvy Garden Pots
Paint the pots in the colors of your choice or leave them plain if you like. It all depends on the theme you want to project. Once all of your paint is dry thread the large pot onto the rebar/dowel then fill it with potting soil and plant first herb or flower.
Step 3: Tipsy Topsy Turvy Garden Pots
Thread a medium pot onto the rebar/dowel and tilt it to one side; fill with soil and herb or flower.
Step 4: Tipsy Topsy Turvy Garden Pots
Thread the next pot onto the rebar/dowel and tilt to the other side; fill and plant. Continue adding pots until they are all are stacked, filled, and planted then top with a bowl if you want a bird bath or another decorative piece such as a bird, watering can, or other decorative piece.

— Sewverycrafty