How to Make Patchwork Mini Baskets

I love little baskets and these patchwork baskets are just perfect for all the little things. These patchwork baskets are small but mighty and I just love how they came out. I found these on Fabric Mutt but there was no tutorial so I created my own. I was able to use several fabrics from my stash to make them nice and colorful. These baskets are fun and functional. They are quilted too. I know I have been doing a fair number of big and little quilting projects but I am trying to get better at it. This is a perfect beginner quilting project. If you would like more basket projects check out my fabricbasket project for my tulip basket project.

I used basic cotton fabrics for this project that I had in my stash. I got most of them at JOANN Fabric & Craft Stores but you could head to Amazon Fabrics or to get exactly what you need for your project. This post contains affiliate inks that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

What you will Need: How to Make Patchwork Mini Baskets

  • Pattern for the bottom you can get here
  • Remnants or fat quarters of a variety of fabrics for the patchwork
  • 1/4 yd fusible foam
  • 1/4 yd lining fabric
  • 2 pieces of leather strapping
  • Standard sewing supplies

Step 1: Cut Your Fabrics

From the pattern piece cut a piece of outer, lining and foam. You can piece your basket anyway you like so that you have a finished rectangle that is 4 1/2″ high and 12 1/2″ long. You will need a 4 1/2″ x 12 1/2″ rectangle for the lining. For my first basket I used six 2 1/2″ strips. For the second basket I used eight 2 1/2″ x 3 1/4″ rectangles. Cut pieces of leather strapping 4 1/2″ x 1″ to accent the project.

Step 2: Stitch your Fabrics

Piece your fabrics together in the way that you have decided. I stitched the first and third baskets in strips and I stitched the third basket in 8 squares on two levels. I used a 1/4″ seam allowance for all of my stitching.

Stitch the strips together

Step 3: Fuse the Foam

With the wrong side of the pieced fabric on the glue side of the foam fuse the fabric to the foam using a hot iron and following the manufacturer’s instructions. Repeat this process for the foam piece and the bottom fabric.

Fuse the foam

Step 4: Quilt the Piece

I quilted the piece by just stitching straight lines on either side of the seams that I stitched for a geometric look. I Cris-crossed the bottom.

Quilt the pieces

Step 5: Stitch the Sides Together

Place the piece so that the long ends are right sides together. Stitch the ends together using a 1/4″ seam allowance.

Stitch the ends together

Step 6: Add the Bottom

Place the foam bottom to the foam basket right sides together. Stitch again using a 1/4″ seam allowance.

Add the bottom

Step 7: Create the Lining

Stitch the lining piece long ends right sides together using a 1/4″ seam allowance. Add the bottom in the same way that you did for the outer basket leaving an opening for turning.

Create the lining

Step 8: Add the Leather Pieces

Fold the leather pieces in half. Place them right sides together with the outer basket and stitch using a 1/8″ seam allowance to secure.

Add the leather pieces

Step 9: Add the Lining

Place the outer basket right sides together with the lining basket. Stitch all the way around the top using a 1/4″ seam allowance. Turn the basket right sides out through the opening you left in the lining.

Add the lining
Turn right sides out

Step 10: Finish the Patchwork Mini Basket

Close the opening you left in the lining using ladder stitch or with your machine. Push the lining into the outer basket and press. Topstitch all the way around the rim. You have now finished your patchwork mini basket.

Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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