
Make a Hanging Snowman Ornament

Make a Hanging Snowman Ornament


It is Christmas time and time for decorating the house and the tree.  You can always buy your ornaments but I love making my own and this rustic hanging snowman ornament fits right into my style.  I saw a photograph of this ornament and knew without a doubt that I could make this snowman ornament myself with just a few easily obtainable craft supplies.  It is so easy to make that I know that you can do it too.

What you will Need:

  • Three wooden spools
  • Scrap of red gingham fabric or other fabric that you have on hand
  • 1 poking tool
  • White acrylic paint
  • Black acrylic Paint
  • Orange acrylic paint
make a Hanging snowman
What you will Need Snowman

Step 1: Make a Hanging Snowman Ornament

Paint the wooden spools white.  I added a little bit of water to my paint so that some of the wood still showed through. Let dry thoroughly.

Step 2: Make a Hanging Snowman Ornament

Take one of the spools and paint two eyes and a mouth using the black acrylic paint.  I just used dots to make my eyes and mouth for that rustic look. Then add a triangle using the orange acrylic paint for the nose of the snowman. This is to replicate a carrot.

Make a hanging snowman ornament
Paint the Face

Step 3: Make a Hanging Snowman Ornament

On the second spool paint three dots for buttons.  Let dry.

Make a hanging snowman ornament
Paint the Top Buttons

Step 4: Make a Hanging Snowman Ornament

On the third spool Paint two dots for buttons. Let dry.

Make a hanging snowman ornament
Paint the bottom Buttons

Step 5: Make a Hanging Snowman Ornament

Cut a 2″ wide x width of fabric piece of fabric.  I chose some red gingham home spun that I had on hand for mine.

Step 7: Make a Hanging Snowman Ornament

Fold the fabric in half widthwise and insert it into the top spool so that there is a loop and tie a knot at the top and at the bottom of the spool. You will need a poking tool of some sort to push the fabric through the holes in the spools.  I used an awl to push my fabric through.

Make a hanging Snowman Ornament
Insert the fabric into the face

Step 8: Make a Hanging Snowman Ornament

Insert the fabric into the second spool and tie a knot at the bottom.

Step 9: Make a Hanging Snowman Ornament

Insert the fabric into the third spool and tie a knot at the bottom.  Let the remaining fabric dangle and tie a knot at the bottom of the fabric.  You have now finished your hanging snowman ornament.  Just too cute.


Make a hanging snowman ornament
Tie a knot at the bottom

If you would like other handmade Christmas ornaments take a look at my previous posts on how to make a wine cork angel, how to make a popsicle stick sled and how to make a rustic fabric ball.

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Best Regards

— Sewverycrafty

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